Wedding day - part 1

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Fran: So you will not be with Leon anymore.

Violetta: Yes

Camila: You waited for this bad moment?

Violetta: Yes and no at the same.

Fran: We are here and after wedding we can go to Italy together, to forget everything bad.

Violetta: That's a good idea. I love you my friends so much.

Camila & Francesca: We love you too.

On wedding day:

Violetta: Are you nervous?

Ludmila: About wedding? Just a little.

Violetta: And what about the wedding night?

Ludmila: It will be not my first, you know I did it before with Federico.

Violetta: So that will be new just for Leon.

Ludmila: How did you know it?

Violetta: We are good friends, we talk about everything.

Ludmila: I am so happy that you are friend with Leon, first I thinked that you will hate him.

Violetta: It's not his fault about agreed marriage. And do you feel something more for him?

Ludmila: Actually, I don't. I don't know but my brain tells me that there is barrier between us.

Violetta: Your brain is tired and nervous, that's the reason why you think it.

Ludmila: Maybe yes.

German: Girls you look so beautiful, but now we must go to wedding becuase the music starts playing.

I was walking to altar with flowers to place for bridesmaid next to bride. In romantic movies groom is always looking on bride, but now Leon was looking at the me. He didn't registered that Ludmila came to altar.

Priest: In this beautiful day we we got here to connect this young people in marriage bond. If someone is against the marriage of these two people, let it now say or keep silent to death.

All I want is to scream that I they mustn't marry, because I love Leon so much but I can't. My dad, Ludmila and all of these people in wedding would kill me. That means that I must silent to death. But I see in Leon's eyes that he want just me, and it hurt me because I can do nothing. Ludmila had truth, love is big trouble with a lot of pain in heart.

Priest: So I think we can continue. Ludmila Castillo, will you marry Leon Vargas, love him in health and disease, wealth and poverty until your death?

Ludmila: I will.

Priest: And you Leon Vargas, will you marry Ludmila Castillo, love her in health and disease, wealth and poverty until your death?

Leon: ...

In this silence you can't hear something, everobody and mainly Leon are quiet.

Priest: Leon, I will repeat that. Will you marry Ludmila Castillo?

Leon: No.

German & Edward: What?

OMG, this will not end well.

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