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(so guyz! here’s my chapter 1, I hope you’ll like it since this is my first time writing a story and my first chapter so I hope you’ll consider some of my errors and everything. You are welcome to comment and to vote if you liked it.)

WARNING: (fortunately: unfortunately; fortunately that I am able to update now and unfortunately that this may contain sex scene.) I just want to make sure that before you read this you are aware that this chapter contains sex scene. I don’t know if this’ll end with good impressions but it’s up to you to judge my story. I am very open to some suggestions.


It has been two days since they had gotten into my life. And I never did talk to them. I mean it. Well for now I think it’s time to relax. BTW it is October Fest today and I got up early this morning so that I would be able to catch up with the preparations about the contest later.

“Hey! Law we gotta go!” Max says as he holds his guitar on his right hand while his left hand is waving at me.

We we’re practicing since morning and so this time is to prepare our things needed for the contest while waiting for the contest proper to come.

And so the time has come. I really didn’t expect to see such a huge crowd at the front of me. I mean come to think of it. We’ve entered a huge competition but this is sooooooo amazing! huge crowd. I really love to be here on stage knowing that a lot of people are enjoying your music. I'm in fantasy music.

And so, our performance is over and we’re waiting for the announcement of the winners.

“Ice Cream? It’s your favorite right?” Max said while grinning.

“Thanks man!” the delicious flavor of vanilla ice cream with chocolate toppings. Yummy!

“So what do you think?” I asked Max.

“So what do you think what?” he looked at me saying ‘I have no idea’

“Who’s gonna win?” I answered impatiently.

“I think … Nah! I don’t know who’s gonna win. And why did you asked that question out of nowhere?”

“I don’t know just have this weird feelings that there’s something”

“Fine. You’re weird.”

“Hey! Wanna pick up a fight?” and I started to punch him on his shoulder. But he hold back.

“Ugh! You’re weird and I won’t change my mind about it” this is boring. He’s not fighting back either but he’s shooting me using words.

The time has come and the emcee is ready to announce the winner.

--- Alright!...the most awaited time is over! (he says as he opens the enveloped to announce who’s the coolest band.) whoa! This is interesting! …(and yah! This made me nervous. The vibrating effects of sounds to make it more intense..pheww!)

---WE HAVE A TIE!---

“Huh?” me and my band mates said it with synchronize and shock faces.

---it’s the Amazing Law(yeah! That’s us) and KHAYE Band ---  

We come up to stage to claim our prizes when I thought I had a glance of Kirio.(a/n. weird names right? Kirio and Law. Hmn?)

“Hey! Men. Are you alright?” Max asked me and his somewhat kind of curious.

“Yah! I’m fine” I tried to sound it livelier to make sure his not going to interrogate me.

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