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If one day we really meet, I wanna stare at your brown eyes that'll surely bore into my soul.

Finding the love I had once given you.

The time we weren't there for each other destroyed all the memories we made.

But to start, there weren't really many memories to destroy either.

As time goes by that I don't see you, the more I get confused about my feelings for you.

Do I still love you or I'm just going with the flow so that I won't hurt you?

Honestly, the last time I saw you from afar, I still get those butterflies in my stomach.

But I wonder why I felt those butterflies?

Is it because I saw you again or is it the loud teasing of my friends?

The I Love You's I typed back at you feels like it has no depth in it.

No meaning.

Like it's just a simple goodbye.

Our conversation nowadays became a cycle.

Of you saying hi and me saying hello.

Asking me if I had eaten, what did I do the whole day, or just what I am doing.

Then you'll excuse yourself to eat, to watch some videos in YouTube or to play some mobile games.

Actually I'm getting annoyed at those conversations.

But what can I do?

This is our only means of communication.

This is much better than nothing right?

But will we be always like this?

No moving forward?

Will we be always on the safe side?

When will we be brave enough to take a step towards each other?

I'm afraid to be the one to take the first step.

I'm afraid to be rejected.

I'm afraid to know the answers to all of my questions.

And this fear of mine will break us apart if you won't do the things you must do.

#DayDREAM11 #Qs&As #Questions&Answers

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