| Chocolate Rice Porridge |

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On a blank paper she wrote
"You are my answered prayer,
a pot of gold at the end
of every rainbow and like
a Sweet Chocolate Rice Porridge
without a Dried Fish
my existence ***************"
There was a 15 asterisk that
ended the Unfinished Letter,
no words tried to follow a
Literary Composition that
might have won in a
Feature Writing Contest.

Maybe the writer decided
a supposedly Obramaestra
remained uncertain because
something will always be missing
whom she cant distinguish.
Probability shows everything
was just  made up of guilt
and apologies in her
messed up mind,
Unsettled from the past
of traumatic memories
that needs to be crashed.

She'll plead for one last stanza,
to the person she dedicate
this with, hear her out;
"You were given to me
right before I even ask for you,
Our wings were separated
And all I knew
the grasp between us
entirely invalidated"

Drive Me To The Place Where I Grieve: Poems of UsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon