Lost Causes

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Joe's POV
I stood in shock at what I heard, she did this without me, she never told me or asked me what I wanted. My blood ran rapid, and heated under the touch of my anger.
"What?" The fury overtook my brain, I stood closer to Dianne,
"You.Did.What?" I could see pure fear clothe her body like a blanket, Janette pulled her closer to her.

My heart was shouting stop like a drum, but my brain was in auto-pilot. I raised my hands and thrusted her towards the ground. The gargantuan thud I heard on impact brought me out my trans.

The anxiety that flooded Dianne's face was shared with me. I was in fear of myself, I was brought up to never touch a women. And I had just hurt the woman I loved the most.

Tears bleed out of Dianne's eye's, I leaned towards her but fear flashed and she shuffled backwards. Janette helped Di to her feet and lead her back to the car. She tramped back towards me and I could feel the ripple of anger vibing off her.
"How dare you Joe!" I stood as a statue, mouth stood still.
"She loves you! She really really loves you! And she thought you loved her! She thought you would respect her decision! But no! You have never loved her and never will! And you never respected her decision!" She grabbed Di's dance bag and stormed back to her.
And I stood, frozen in time.

I took the long way to rehearsals today, I knew that I needed time to cool off. And I needed time for my red,puffy eyes to clean up after all my crying. My teardrops were like the path in Hansel and Gretel, I could trace them back to my mistake. One I would regret forever.

Dianne's POV
Janette dropped me off at the studio after giving me a full body scan making sure I was okay after. That. I stood and debated what to do, I looked in the mirror and scanned my body. The grazes on my hand that created a rough surface and the look of fear staring back at me. As I ran my hand over my belly, where my baby would have grown, I think about what if I was wrong? What if I regretted this decision? But then I thought. Having a baby can happen anytime, I may never get this chance to dance again.

Just as my hand reached the edge of my stomach, Joe walked in. I heard the door and bowed my head and walked to my phone, I glanced at him in the mirror and could see red overcome his eyes. He had definitely been crying, for a while at that point.
I turned Jump Around on and walked over to the Basketballs I grabbed one and so did Joe, we started.

We got about half way through the dance and Joe had to catch me on splits, as soon as his fingers made a spark on my body. I flinched at his touch and my body tensed up, Joe could feel this and quickly let go. I went over and stopped the music, and rubbed my hands up and down my arms. I then lent against the mirror and slid down it, soon my arms found their way around my knees and tears found my eyes. This was too much.

Joe's POV
I could see this was ripping Dianne up inside,and to be honest I don't blame her. I just wanted to go over and hug her so badly. But she doesn't want me, near her. Ever again.
But looking at her, in the mirror. Crying and feeling so much pain, I needed to be with her. I don't care if she wants me or not, it's more of a case. I need her.

I walked over to her,
"Dianne." She moved further away. Still crying silently. I was going to leave her, but I knew she was being stubborn. I moved closer to her and carefully put my arms around her, she slowly melted into me and I let her silent sobs be captured by my shirt.

2 Hours Later

Dianne had been in my arms for a couple of hours, she stopped crying ages ago. and was now just staring at the wall. She hadn't moved at all, I haven't even seen her blink to be honest. It was now like 1 I think, I haven't checked the time for a while. But all I knew is we needed to practice, desperately.
"Di." I whispered softly, i felt a slight nudge on my shoulder and and saw Dianne's deep brown eyes stared at mine.
"I think we need to practice. Or we will never make next week." She nodded but still didn't speak to me, Di slowly started to move towards her phone and grabbed the basketball. And we both started to train.

Dianne's POV
My brain was conflicted with feelings, I still wanted Joe to be in my life because I lov- Like Him. But after what he did, I just don't know.
But what I do know is we need to get this dance under control. I needed to pretend that, emotions didn't exist.
"Okay. Joesph. Grad the ball. We are going hardcore until you get this." I was trying to be as passive as I could... but it came out as passive aggressive.
"Um. Di. Are you sure?"
"It's Dianne to you. Now get in position." Okay... that might of been a bit harsh, but he deserves it!

6 hours later

It was now 7 and I had pushed Joesph to his hardest, I needed him to get this. As much as I didn't like him right now, I know how much he wanted this.
"Joesph! You need to remember to catch me! Seriously!" Ugh. If he didn't remember I could be hurt. He placed his head in his hands and shook it,
"Dianne. Why are you being like this?" Is all the muffle I could hear through his hands.
"Because I know how much you want to get through to next week, and frankly you are doing horrible!" I grabbed my bag and threw it roughly over my shoulder,
"Go home and sleep. See you tomorrow."

I walked out and slammed the door, I saw Janette in her car with Ranj and Aljaź and I hopped in the back as well.
"Hey Guys!" The car smelt so manly and sweaty,
"Ew. J, could you open a window please. It smells like men!" They all laughed and I hopped in, just as Janette was about to drive off I saw Joe come out of the studio and I could see the tears fall off his face slowly. I kinda felt sorry for him, but before I could talk to him Janette drove off.

We had dropped Ranj off home and Aljaź had gone out with some mates, so it was just me and Janette left.
"Di. You were kinda quiet on the way home. What's up?" I took a deep threating breath,
"Joe." She sighed and looked at me with sympathy,
"It's just, I know what he did! And it's horrible and mean and... well wrong. But he feels true guilt. And I feel sorry for him." Tears stung my eyes,
"I understand. Do you want me to drop you to his?" I nodded slowly, she reved up the car and headed back down the drive.

Soon we reached Joe's and i wandered out of the car, Janette decided to hang around at Katya and Neil's house which was about 30 mins away. I saw her drive off and I said I'll call her when I want to be picked up.

As I walked to Joe's I saw an unrecognisable car parked outside, I had been here long enough to know all the cars that parked and who they belonged to. I buzzed at Joe's and no one answered, I buzzed again. And the same result happened. I then buzzed every buzzer until someone answered and let me in. I walked up to Joe's and I heard his voice from down the hall, the softness and tranquility of his harmonic voice and it calmed me completely. But as I dawned closer I heard another voice, it wasn't Male. It was too sweet and high-pitched, the closer I got the more the voices became clearer, and cleaner.

I reached Joe's door and saw it was slightly open, I decided since some of my stuff was technically still here, it wasn't breaking and entering... right. I slid in and saw candles and smelt cooked food, the lights were off and I saw Joe and... and... Nadiya. Strictly Nadiya. I crept in further until I saw them both get up and go to the kitchen, I went into the bathroom next to the stairs and hid. I left the door open slightly so I could see what they were doing, and I could hear EVERYTHING!
J: "Any more wine?"
N: "I think i should go now."
J: "Why? It's not like Dianne's gonna come back."
N: "That doesn't matter, I know you still love her."
J: "No. I don't, never did. I just used her, so I wouldn't get fired from Strictly."
N: "What do you mean? Fired?"
J: "She got cosy with me and the producers found out, either she went or I did. But we made a deal. Pretend to go out for publicity. And that is all I did, pretend."
tears stung my eyes again, but tears of anger not sadness.
N: "Are you sure it was one sided. I see the way you look at her. No one can fake those feelings."
J: "She is too fucked up for me, her brain isn't right. She said Anthony fucked it up, but I don't believe her. I think it was all her, she is a liar. Not even PI can sort out the shit going on in her head."
I stood in his bathroom, mouth open. Brain hurting, air freezing, chest closing. I felt my emotions smash together and everything I believed about me and him was a lie. AND I'M APPARENTLY THE LIAR! 😭

I thought now would be a good time to announce myself, but he didn't need to know I heard this. I went straight out the door and Joe never even knew I was there, I stormed straight out. This was all a lost cause.

Okay... I LOVE NADIYA btw. Before you all @ me for making her... well you'll find out. Anyway. I ALSO KNOW JOESPH SUGG would never hurt a women but i need it to carry on my story forward. So don't @ me for that either! I have a VERY interesting future for these two and... well. It may be happy or sad. Anyway LOVE YA! ♥️

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