Fuck You!

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Dianne's POV
I called up Janette as hot tears melted off my face,
phone call
D: "J-Janette."
J: "Dianne! What's wrong"
D: "I'm calling a cab and coming to you."
tears were still falling at this point.
J: "Di! What happened? You sound... angry but you're crying."
I think the tears were fading, and more of my anger was coming through.
D: "I'll be with you, Katya and Neil in about 10 minutes."
end call

I hung up the phone and hauled a cab that I saw, I hopped in and gave them the quickest route to Katya's that they could possibly take.
"You alright miss?" The driver could obviously see that I had been crying,
"Are all men the same?" I asked in a sigh,
"If horrible dicks with no emotions come to mind, then yes." I gave a slight sighing laugh,
"Yeah. That's exactly what came to mind."

The rest of the journey we made small talk, until we got to Katya and Neil's, I paid and tipped the driver and proceeded to the house door. I pounded on the door and not even 2 seconds later Janette, Katya and Neil appear at the door pulling me in.
K: "What happened? Janette said you were crying but, angry?"
D: "He doesn't love me." Tears started pouring off my face again.
J: "What do you mean?"
D: "Joe... he doesn't love me. He never loved me."
N: "Men are idiots." Katya slapped him on the arm.
K: "Not the time Neil!"
J: "Tell us what happened."
I explained it all to them, and by the end I had gone through a few hundred tissue's and a lot of shouting.
K: "Omg! Dianne! I'm so sorry."
J: "Why would Nadiya do that?"
D: "It isn't Nadiya's fault. She tried to stick up for me. It's all Joe's fault, all of it."

The Next Day.

Joe's POV
Uggg. I woke up with a banging headache and a pile of blonde hair in my mouth. I turned to see Nadiya Laying on the other side of the bed, what the hell have I done. I went to check my phone and realised I had twenty minutes to get to the studio today was camera block through and if I was late... well. Dianne would have my head, I quickly woke up Nadiya. And I headed to get dressed,  I ran downstairs and Nadiya had made breakfast I ate some of it real quick and kissed her cheek. I gave her my key since she would be home well before me, I needed to get my spare one back off of Dianne.

I headed to Elstree and caught up with Kevin at the entrance,
"Hey Kev!" He looked at me and carried on walking, what the hell. I walked into my dressing room and dumped my stuff there, and saw a note on my desk. It was from Dianne,
the note.
Here's your spare key back, I want my clothes sent to Katya's.
From now on our relationship is strictly professional.
end of the note
Wait. What. This was really out of character for Dianne, I needed to see what was up. Luckily, I was called to stage for camera block through.

I went through and everyone was crowded around Dianne and they were all talking to her. Okay. I know they are all friends but I have never seen this happen, I went to sit down next to Ranj and he moved away from me. Alright. That's Kevin and Ranj, I went to see Stacey and she just ignored me. So it isn't just the men, it's the women as well? I didn't know what was going on so I decided to sit alone and let whatever it was blow over.

I scanned Instagram and twitter looking at all the edits that me and Dianne were tagged in. Some of them were really funny and some were emotional as hell, I looked over to see Dianne laughing with tears, and then I realised that it wasn't laughing. It was crying. Katya and Janette took her away and I never put down my phone so quickly.

I ran over to where I saw the girls take Dianne, and saw that Dianne had the biggest bags under her eyes ever. She obviously hadn't slept properly in days, I ran over.
Jo: "Dianne. Are you okay?" I saw straight anger shield her eyes,
K: "Joe. I really think you should leave." Janette held Dianne back, she looked like she wanted to kill me.
Jo: "Katya. What's happened? What have I done wrong?" That sentence somehow triggered something in Dianne,
D: "Done wrong? Why don't you try and figure it out? Or were you too drunk on wine with Nadiya to remember!"
Nadiya, how did she know about me and Nadiya?
Jo: "Dianne. What are you-"
D: "Do not say you don't have an idea about what I'm saying! You and Nadiya last night. Or am I a liar and I'm making this all up!"
She heard! She thought I actually meant that!
D: "Or maybe Joe, I'm too fucked up to remember straight. Cos you know PI can't sort out the shit going on up there!"
Anger rang off her,
Jo: "How did you know? When were you in my apartment?"
D: "Really! That's the only thing your concerned about! Wow, your more pathetic then I thought!"
J: "Joe. You need to let her cool off. Leave."
I did what Janette said and went back to the studio, I was about to sit down when I heard the rage of Dianne follow me.
K: "Dianne! Leave it! You'll get into trouble!"
Dianne wacked Katya's hand off her body,
D: "Joe. Get the fuck back here now!"
Jo: "Dianne. You really need to calm down."
D: "You don't have any right to tell me what to do! You lying manipulative little dickhead!"
At this point more of the celebs and pros were getting involved,
Aj: "Dianne. Calm down."
D: "Stay out of this Aj!"
Jo: "Okay. Dianne you're upset and you have every right to be. But taking it out on your friends is not the right tactic."
D: "And getting girls drunk to sleep with them isn't a good tactic but you still did it!"
Jo: "I didn't sleep with Nadiya!"
D: "You know what! You're not worth my time! Find someone else to dance with! I'm out! Good luck getting to the Semi-Final without a partner!"
K: "Di. I don't think you can just quit."
D: "I don't care Katya! Fuck You Joe!"
And with that and one final slam of the door, she was gone. Before the door slammed she shouted back something,

Sooo. I am getting scheduled back again! Woo! The next few chapters are going to be.... interesting.🤨🙃
Anyway... have a good day!
Love Ava♥️

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