[4.] Confusion

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Samantha's P.O.V

The day goes by so slow. I look at the screen on my phone and it reads 13:46pm. Three hours and 14 minutes to go and I'm going to see Liam's house. I still can't believe he has a house.

This can only mean one thing. Liam is a Mafia Lord. How can he own a house out of the city and an apartment two then purchase another one with me. There's no other explanation.  The worst part is I had absolutely no idea about this.

I wonder what he does for a living. I know he owns his own small business and he usually works at home and that's as much as I know. He just told me there's nothing fancy about it and I never asked after that.

Drifting me away from my thoughts my phone rings and The Chordettes lollipop starts bouncing off the walls. See what happened was Liz and I were watching Riverdale season 2 and we loved the creepy ringtone Betty had and we immediately downloaded the song and made it each other's caller ringtones. Special right?

So now whenever my phone rings and all I hear is.....

Lollipop lollipop oh lolly lolly lolly lollipop lollipop oh lolly lolly lolly lollipop.

I know Liz is calling. It's kinda cool if you think about it.

"Bitch!!!!" Liz yells through the phone so much so I had to move the phone from my ear before it fell right off.

"Sup bitch." I reply with the same enthusiam.

"So... spill. I saw your SOS message and its like 07:50am here and you know no sane person on vacation with their drop dead gorgeous and loaded boyfriend would be up at this time so this better be good."

"Oh my dear Liz.... how I've missed you." I fawn. I then tell her everything from going to dinner with Alex and Liam leaving me to him coming back three weeks later and stealing my cab.

"The fuck?! The nerve of these men. One is so fucked up he threatens you in hopes that will make you see the good his trying to become. I mean seriously? Where's the sense in that? Then theres this idiot that is all about hitting the road faster than Speedy Gonzalez everytime you guys have a disagreement. You know what. Screw all of them. They don't deserve you anyway. Just go get yourself a nice rich dying man and show him a good time then take everything he owns and live the rest of your days wealthy while you bang the pool boy."

"But I love them both." I sigh and lie my head on my desk as my hair cascades on sides.

"Girl I don't know what to say to you. I guess there's only one thing left to do. Take both of them to a cliff push them over leaving both of them hanging over the edge then as they both are about to fall to their sudden death. Your heart will tell you who you'd rather save and who could have their brains splattered on the ground."

"What happened to you as a child?" I ask her as she just mutters a 'meh'

"But seriously Samantha both of these men have hurt you tremendously and I honestly don't know who you should be with and I think you're the only who actually knows who you want to be with but you're so infatuated with both of them that you feel like if you did choose one of the two you'd be giving up something you would never get from the other. So all I'm saying is just admit the truth to yourself and let a girl go back to her boyfriend and get her freak on."


"But I can't. I can't. I let him go."

"That's your problem... I'm in love baby. But seriously though. You need to make a decision. You can't keep leading him on. You need to at least give the guy a chance to find love elsewhere if he can't find it from you."

"Fine... but I'm not sure who that is as yet. I guess I'll have to do some serious soul searching. Thank you Liz."

"Anytime sugarplum. Bye babe. I love you." The line goes dead and I look at my phone for the longest time until I get up to go get some coffee.

I needed coffee after a conversation like that. I needed a booster and all I could get around here was coffee. I walk out of my office and once I take a left I bump into those steel gray eyes.

"Shit Alex. You have to give a girl a warning before you do that." I step back and try to gather my thoughts. I look up and he's standing there looking so amused and I can't help but smile too.

"You're adorable." He rubs the back of his neck and quickly apologizes for saying that. I look at him slightly confused. When did he start apologizing for giving me a compliment.

He immediately walks away and I stare at his back and he never looks back. I don't know why I actually wanted him to but I did. I guess a part of me wants to knowif there's anything there. Anything he feels for me after that incident because since then he's made no pursuit towards me whatsoever.

He's plain ole Alex but nicer and I would think he changed for me but it doesn't seem that way. It seems I actually pushed him away for good this time. The worst part is I don't know if I should be happy or sad about that.

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