[6.] Power

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Samantha's P.O.V

4 months later.

It's been four months since I have cut all contact with Liam. Four months of me being alone. And by alone I mean having no contact with Liam or outside work related contact with Alex either. I've made it my life goal to avoid running into Alex at work and it has been working.

I'd literally run from him if I saw him down the hall or come up with an excuse if he needed to talk about the upcoming project. Anything. I was practically avoiding him like the damn plague.

Being alone has made me realise a few things that I overlooked. Yes it's quite cliché that girls always 'find themselves' after a break up but that is exactly what I am doing. I've come to realise the things I had taken for granted. Things that were a priority to me that I swept under a rug and I was done with it.

This time things were going to change. I was going to take control of what goes on in any relationship I would be in and I would not take any bullshit from anyone.

Little mix "Power" blasts as I run down the building stairs going out for my morning run. I was being the typical girl after a break up these past few months. Get my body in check and listen to songs about girl power. Well at least that's what I do when I am going through a break up.

I get my life in check and move forward. Better myself basically. I'm not the type who wants to wallow in bed crying. Well I'm not that person anymore. After Alex I promised myself I wouldn't let a man break me to that point ever again.

Yes I would fall in love again but I'll be sure that that person be it a new guy, Alex or Liam would be worthy of my love because Samantha fucking Davis is done being hurt.


It's a Friday today and I'm having a great morning. Everything was going well with me. Liz was back and was living with me again like I had always imagined it. I had a great job and I was living my best life. What more could a girl ask for?

A man.

"Shut up." I mentally scold myself as I walk into my office. Yes. My office. I get a call from Liz and she asks me if we could go out tonight. Something about getting me out there again. I don't object this time. I think it's a good idea actually. Let my hair down and dance.

The day goes by so fast and I'm glad. My days at work have been tiring especially after Alex made me take the lead with the East Gate mall after I came up with the suggestion to use different material that wouldn't cause us a lawsuit.  I must say after that work picked up for me. After that project, I was handed lead on another and things kept looking up after that.

It's exactly what I wanted. I wish I knew it would come with this much of a work load but I wouldn't have it any other way. Leaving work I catch a cab and prepare myself for a fun night with Liz.


"Shots! Shots! Shots!" Liz yells as we rush towards the bar laughing at the ridiculous moves we called dancing a few minutes ago.

"Coming right up ladies" the cute bartender says as me pours some for us.

"I'm taken mister!" Liz yells as we gulp down the throat burning liquid. I'm sure I won't be able to swallow anything for a while.

"It's not like you ever swallow." Liz retorts and she gets a shove from me once I had realised I had said that out loud.

"Hey! I could if I wanted to. It's not my fault nobody wants all of this." I say as I spin around for emphasis.

"Let's see if we can get you some tonight then." Liz drags me to the dance floor and I follow with a huge grin on my face. Three or four drinks later Liz's boyfriend, Dylan shows up and they are dancing together. I don't mind. I'm having the time of my life.

I go order the last round of drinks for the three of us and a tall, blue eyed good looking guy smiles at me. I smile at him and continue waitingfor the drinks.


"I was wondering when you were actually going to come say hi." I say to him as he grabs a sit by the bar.

"I was still trying to muster up the courage to." He says and I swear I see him blush.


"You did good if you ask me....."

"Will." So he's name is Will. It suits him I think to myself.

"I'm Samantha." I grab the drinks and make a move to leave and Will stops me.

"Can I buy you a drink Samantha?" I like the way he said my name. He has an accent I haven't quite put my finger on.

"Already got one Will." I chuckle.

"It doesn't have to be one tonight. Maybe tomorrow night. Or coffee?" He smiles and dimples poke at his cheeks and I can't help but drool.

"Do you have a pen?" I ask and he fishes for one and fails then asks the bartender for one. 

"Write your number." I say as I hand him a napkin. He gives me a quizzical look probably thinking why we can't exchange numbers using our phones but he writes it down anyway.

"Promise to call me." He says once he hands me the napkin. I stuff it in my bra and smirk as I mouth a "promise" and walk towards our booth leaving Will behind with the aim of calling him once I recover from the hangover I know I'll have after tonight.

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