Chap. 2- Lil Helpers

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"Come on, let's go!" Two mice darted through the vents, one of them twitching his whiskers.

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" One of them sighed, pulling along the other mouse.

"You gotta lay off the cheese!"

"It's delicious though!"

"Whatever, Brice!" Brice crawled along, slipping out of a vent and yelped as he got headfirst into a spring.

"Ghoooost!" Ghost rolled his eyes, trying to tug Brice out. "OW OW!"

"Need some help?" Ghost squeaked, Seto setting aside his broom. Gently untangling Brice, Seto set them down. "Who are you two mice?"

"I'm Ghost, and this is Brice." Ghost was a gray mouse with yellow and cyan fur, accident with the neighborhood kids spray cans. Brice was a black mouse with yellow spots.

"What has brought you here?" Seto dusted the cabniet, Ghost fixing Brice's whiskers.

"Food, and by mistake." Opening one of the cabinets, Seto pried off a bit of cheese, handing it to them. "How can you understand us?"

"I'm a sorcerer." Tapping his collar, Seto looked over the two. "Here." Scooping them up, Seto went to his bedroom, doing small measurements and making clothes for both of them. Brice squeaked happily as he buried his face into his black and yellow shirt. Ghost smiled and put his on.

"Seto, I want this floor mopped!"

"Seto, get over here, one of my skirts got a seam ripped off!"

"Seto, you didn't dust the shelves!" A cat's meow resonated around the house, Ghost and Brice flinching. "And get the kitten some food!"

"Okay, okay..." Patting the two mice, Seto picked his broom up. "I gotta go, Brice and Ghost."

"Hold up, you're supposed to do everything that they say?"

"... Yes." Ghost rubbed his paws together, Brice smiling.

"Let us help you."


"Brice, 7 o' clock turn!" Ghost ran on top of the shelves, dusting all the dust bunnies out. Seto smiled, fixing the seam and getting a mop.

"Brice, floor soaped?"

"All done!" Seto picked both of them up, letting them sit on his shoulder as he mopped the floor.

"How was the shelves?"

"Dusted." Seto finished the floor, Brice plopping onto the counter.

"So, where are you two heading?" Ghost shrugged.

"Anywhere." Finishing up his work, Seto began to cook dinner, Ghost and Brice helping out.

"Hey, can you tell me some places?"

"What do you mean?"

"The town, past the orchads." Seto sighed, shutting the stove off. "I've never went anywhere, only made it as far as the apple trees." Brice widened his eyes.


"Yeah. I always wanted to know more, I've only ever heard of places that my sisters talk about." Grabbing a piece of paper, Ghost dragged over a pencil. "Guys?"

"You continue what you're doing, we're gonna draw the town." Scribbling and often dropping the pencil, the two worked as Seto served dinner, going to the library to read.

"So right here, is your house." Seto looked at the paper, Brice standing on a house. "And over here are the orchards."

"Alright?" Ghost pushed Brice off, drawing a line to another house.

"An old woman with poofy hair lives here, got a Chihuahua. Oh, and here, a sweet couple."

"Right here is a man, charming I suppose. Grumpy at times though." 

"Ooh ooh! Right here, nasty couple. Stay away from that place."

"A cat lives here with two grumpy couples, the cat is a sweetheart."

"What's that?" Seto pointed to the top, where a castle was. Brice and Ghost exchanged looks.

"Oh, uh... We never actually been there before."

"I believe it's the home of the Lox family, royalty and all." Seto scooped them up, plopping them onto his shoulder. Sneaking outside and climbing onto the roof, Seto sat down.

"That?" He pointed to a brightly lit castle, where a small batch of fireworks were being set off.

"Yeah, that's the place." Watching, Seto sighed.

He wished he could leave, for even five minutes.

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