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The Peaceful

Core Belief: "Open arms, open eyes, forgiving hearts."


Amity is the only faction without a prized quality; rather they define their most valued traits, peacefulness and harmony, as the absence of aggression. In order to achieve this lack of aggression, the Amity teach trust, forgiveness, self-sufficiency, and kindness. They believe in peaceful (and often public) conflict resolution, and emphasize joy, beauty, and celebration more than any other faction. Like the Erudite, they also creativity, but for the sake of beauty rather than technological innovation.

Faction Norms


Amity is the other "essential faction" because they produce all the food for the city. Almost all of their members are required for there to be enough food, so most Amity do not seek other employment. Within the food production realm, however, and Amity can specialize in livestock, large crops, specialty foods, water purification, and other areas. There are a handful of Amity counselors, mediators, and caretakers of the sick, mentally ill, and elderly. Artists, writers, and musicians emerge almost exclusively from Amity, but these are defined as hobbies rather that jobs.

Family Life
The Amity in particular believe in the value of different kinds of community. They seek to balance family relationships with friendships. Thus, most of the Amity live in large groups according to specialty. These large groups are often comprised of several traditional families and a few untraditional families (couples/partners without children, single people, etc). The large group therefore defines a person's peer group, as well. All of the Amity eat together, though, it is rare for one Amity to be unacquainted with another Amity, no matter how different their specialties are. The Amity believe strongly in communal living, such that they have no real leader, except the one they are forced to provide to advise the Abnegation political leaders.


The colors of Amity are red and yellow (the colors most likely to produce joy), but they are less strict than other factions about how those colors must be worn. They prefer loose-fitting garments that foster ease and comfort, and encourage repurposing of old garments, because it requires creativity.

Inter-Faction Relations

The Amity seek to establish good relationships with all other factions. Historically, most of their conflicts (if they can be called conflicts) have been with the Dauntless, due to their disagreements about conflict resolution. They have a special relationship with Erudite, as noted earlier, and with Candor and Abnegation, in the realm of religion.

Choosing Ceremony Substance: Earth

Aside from working extensively with the earth, the Amity also value a connection with nature because they believe it can bring peace to their lives. Therefore giving your blood to earth is a way of committing yourself to peace from your first moment as one of the Amity.

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