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The Honest

Core Belief: "Truth makes us inextricable."


To say the Candor value honesty is an understatement. They instruct their members to be as open as possible in all areas of life, whether in praise or criticism, through boasting or confession, by invitation or interruption. There is no such thing as "private life" among the Candor; everything is public, and everything is the business of the community. Impartiality, though not as prominent in Candor teachings as openness, is regarded as equally important. When evaluating a situation, the Candor are encouraged to disregard their own feelings about the people involved. A Candor who sides with his enemy rather his friend about a particular issue is regarded as honest and fair. "The true Candor," famous Candor leader Trevor Johnson once said, "is bold enough to be Dauntless, fair enough to be Amity, incisive enough to be Erudite, and wise enough to be Abnegation."

Faction Norms


The realm of Candor is law. The Candor therefore receive extensive training in the laws that govern society as a whole, as well as the laws that govern each faction. Some Candor decide either to be judges or to represent either side of a trial. Others work as reporters. Candor is the only faction that regularly cooperates with other factions in their everyday work. They advise Abnegation political leaders, Amity mediators and counselors, and Erudite teachers. They act in a leadership capacity in schools. They work with Amity to distribute goods fairly among the factions. Though their roles are less clearly defined than those of other factions, if they were to vanish from the city, the glue that binds us together would vanish with them, and we would undoubtedly be left in chaos. The Candor pursuit of truth often leads them to work closely with the Abnegation and the Amity in the realm of religion. There are as many Candor religious leaders as there are Abnegation and Amity religious leaders.

Family Life

Because there is no private life among the Candor, families are not as important. Peer groups, rather than family groups, dominate Candor society. The parents responsibility is more protective than instructive. Children live with their parents until age ten, at which point they relocate to a dormitory until they turn sixteen and choose a faction. Young faction members also live in a dormitory until they find a spouse or partner and choose to live separately.


Candor clothing is determined by color alone. They believe that the truth is black and white, so they wear black and white only, in any form, as long as both colors are represented. The Candor are less bold in their styling decisions than the Dauntless, but not nearly as conservative as the Abnegation.

Inter-Faction Relations

The Candor have a strained relationship with Amity (because "they will always lie to keep the peace," as Trevor Johnson once said) and Erudite (because of "their talent for subterfuge and craftiness"). They work closely with the Abnegation in government, but publicly criticize the Abnegation's lack of openness. Faction transfers between Dauntless and Candor are common, however, so the factions are generally amicable toward each other.

Choosing Ceremony Substance: Glass

The Candor selected glass for its transparency. A transparent person, they say, is an honest person.

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