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The Brave
Core Belief: "Freedom from fear."


Without hesitation, any Dauntless would say that what they most value is courage. It is when the word "courage" is defined that they begin to disagree with one another. One subset of Dauntless would define "courage" as "fearlessness," and seeks to eradicate fear in all its forms among its members. Another subset would define "courage" simply as "boldness," and emphasize action in spite of fear rather than the elimination of fear itself. This difference, though minor, often leads to conflict among the Dauntless, particularly in the area of initiating new members. Those Dauntless who emphasize fearlessness advocate harsher and more extreme methods of training, which boldness emphasizing Dauntless call cruelty and bullying. Common to all Dauntless is a commitment to bravery that supersedes all other considerations, including safety, the opinion of others, and sometimes even peace itself.

Faction Norms


The primary role of the Dauntless is city security. This extends both outside the city (along the fence) and inside the city (on the streets), although the latter has become less prominent in recent years. This role also includes a physical presence (guards) as well as a technological presence (security monitoring). The majority of firefighters are also comprised of Dauntless, although the Abnegation often contribute a small number as well. Paramedics and construction workers who work on high-rise buildings are also Dauntless jobs. Apart from these public roles, however, the Dauntless are largely self-contained, so a large number of jobs are available within the Dauntless compound, including positions for nurses, cooks, tattoo artists, and trainers, among others.

Family Life

Dauntless families are diverse, so it is difficult to pin down exactly what the average Dauntless family looks like. Some families reside together in large apartments in the Dauntless compound, and include grandparents as well as parents and children. Blood ties are often not well-defined, so a Dauntless "aunt" or "uncle" may not be related by blood. Marriage is a peculiar institution among the Dauntless, defined differently depending upon who is asked. Many Dauntless couples opt not to marry at all. Young Dauntless often live together (irrespective of gender) until they find a spouse or partner. But for every generalization about Dauntless families, there are half a dozen Dauntless families that contradict it.


Black is the official color of Dauntless, which almost all Dauntless clothing reflects. Piercings and tattoos are common, as well as odd hairstyles and hair color. Due to their emphasis on physical fitness, most Dauntless prefer tight clothing to loose clothing. The Dauntless emphasize clothing style far more than any other faction, and those styles change too rapidly to be included.

Inter-Faction Relations

Due to their reliance on surveillance and simulation technology, the Dauntless have developed a strong relationship with Erudite. They are also friendly with Candor, since there are semi-frequent transfers between the two factions. There is often tension between Dauntless and Amity, given their opposite natures and frequent contact at Dauntless patrol sites along the fence, and Dauntless and Abnegation, for more superficial reasons of differing lifestyles.

Choosing Ceremony Substance: Fire

"Fire," the Dauntless say, "can be destructive, but can also bring warmth and vitality--just like bravery."

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