Season 3

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Episode 1:
"Dude Ranch"

Phil: All in all, it was a great vacation. We may have lost a man But out there on the range, under that great big sky, we found a part of ourselves we never knew was there, just like the horny cowboy said we would.

Episode 2:
"When Good Kids Go Bad"

Jay: Oh, stop blaming each other. No kid wants a sibling. I mean, Claire hated you so much she stuck you in a dryer when you were two.
Mitch: You put me in the dryer?
Claire: I did, but it wasn't 'cause I hated you. My friend Marci said that it wouldn't run with a kid inside it, and I knew it would. I was right.
Phil: Good governor. It's been going on since you were five?
Claire: Oh, my God. It is a sickness.
Claire: What would make me have that need at such a young age?
Mitchell: How long was I in that dryer? Because I-- is this why I'm afraid of tumbling? I had to quit gymnastics, Claire!
Phil: A childhood without tumbling?
Claire: Ohh.
Phil: You knew this and just stood by and did nothing?!
Jay: Okay, okay. What's done is done! All you can do is learn from your mistakes. And in that spirit, I would like to propose a toast to Manny. This week, he did something he wasn't supposed to do, - like we all do
Gloria: Like we all do! Salud to Manny! Jay: Uh, not yet. But Manny stood up like a man. He admitted he was wrong and he took his licks, and I'm damn proud of him.
Gloria: Ah, now we clink!
Jay: No, we clink when I say we clink. So Manny made a mistake, but he didn't take the easy way out. He's got guts, he's got integrity. As far as I'm concerned, he's the best little...
Manny: Okay, stop! Stop! I didn't do any of that. Mom broke into the locker and threw the necklace inside, and then we ran away like cowards.I'm sorry, Jay! I'm sorry!
Jay: I knew it! I was right! I was right! Everybody: Ohh.

Episode 3:
"Phil On Wire"

1)Mitch: Let's face it, a well-fed Cam is hardly a model of emotional stability. Now deprive him of food, and stage by stage, it's a slow descent into madness. Stage one-- the clean sweep.
[After few days]
Day four of the juice fast, and I'm hungry, but I'm-- I'm feeling pretty good.Cam, on the other hand, has gone all "Girl, interrupted. " After one, throwing out all of our food, and two, blaming me, he entered stage three- soap actress.
That was followed by stage four- a rush of epiphanies.
Into stage five-- despair
Then came rage.
The good news is, Cam's never made it this far into a diet before, so Downside I have no idea what the next stage is gonna be. But I'm pretty sure it's not charming party guest.

2)Claire: All week long, I'd been telling my girls how to act instead of showing them, but not Phil. Phil could have said, Or "Haley, challenge yourself. Don't give up so easily. " But instead of talking the talk, Phil walked the walk. And isn't that what we're supposed to do for the people we love? It's definitely a challenge But Phil made it look easy seven feet off the ground. Turns out, I've had my Super Dunphy all along.
Episode 6:
"Go Bullfrogs!"

Jay: We all struggle with limitations Some we're willing to accept. And some we're not. It's never too late to grow in life.

Phil: So I guess I was wrong when I said once you get older, it's harder to make new friends.Andre, it turns out, is an orthopedic surgeon, handy with tools, and a great guy to hang out with. Plus he's a badass black man that gives me extra street cred. That's his joke.
He's my brotha from a different motha.
Andre: What was that? That's not it.
Phil: What is it?
Andre: It's "brother from another mother. "
Phil: Brotha from anotha motha...
Andre: Slow down. Slow it down.
Phil: Brotha... from... another... motha...
Andre: Forget it. Don't-- just don't say it. Forget it.
Episode 8:
"After the Fire"

Jay: If I could only save one possession in a fire, probably my first set of golf clubs. My old man gave 'em to me.
Gloria: The engagement ring that Jay gave me that changed my life.
Mitch: Lily's adoption papers.
Cam: I was gonna say adoption papers. So I guess, then, I would say my mom's recipe book.
Phil: All our family photos Which I keep on my iPad, so my iPad.
Claire: As long as I have my family, I wouldn't need anything else.
Everybody: Aw, man! Come on!
Claire: What?
Phil: You say something like that, it makes us all seem petty.
Claire: Yeah. Well I know.
Everybody: Boooo!
Luke: Hiss!
Episode 9:
"Punkin Chunkin"

Cam: There are dreamers and there are realists in this world. You'd think the dreamers would find the dreamers and the realists would find the realists, but more often than not, the opposite is true.
You see, the dreamers need the realists to keep them from soaring too close to the sun. And the realists Well, without the dreamers, they might not ever get off the ground.
Episode 10:
"Express Christmas"

Gloria: Family is family. Whether it's the one you start out with. The one that you end up with.
Or the family that you gain along the way.
Which makes every day,
December 16th.
Episode 21:
"Planes, Trains And Cars"

Manny: They say the important thing in life isn't the destination. It's the journey, the challenges you face along the way .
The unexpected twists and turns .
The disappointments you overcome. But they're wrong. It's all about the destination, especially when the destination is your amazing oceanfront hotel. Thank you again, Serena. Warmest regards, Manny Delgado.

Episode 22:

Jay: So my plan was, drive Claire and Mitchell home, put them to bed, pour myself a big tumbler of scotch, and tell Dede it was over. But on the way out, we made one last stop.
I don't know what happened. Maybe it's what robot Lincoln said about a man's duty or keeping the union together. Maybe I just chickened out. But I realized that staying with my kids was more important than leaving my wife. Now that's not the right decision for everyone, but it was the right decision for me.
So I stuck it out until they were grown .
And the universe rewarded me.

Episode 24:
"Baby On Board"

Gloria: There's certain moments in life that you never forget, like when I held Manny in my arms for the very first time. I was nervous. I didn't know what I was doing.And I was so excited to see him grow up. And the more he becomes the little man I know today, the more I know I would do it all over again...
Which is good, because I'm going to do it all over again.
Turns out that I wasn't carsick.
I'm pregnant.

The next chapter will contain all quotes from season 4.
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