Alone Together

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Your POV

New Years Eve. The time that all couples get excited to share a kiss on midnight. They could kiss any time that day but they always wait until midnight like it's against the law or something.

I was sitting at a bar staring at this really cute guy. The gut happened to be Blake Edward Richardson. He was in a band called New Hope Club.

I had seen them perform last year when I went with my sister to see The Vamps.

I was debating whether or not I should go say 'hello' to him. I sat and started at my drink for a good bit before I finally decided to go talk to him.

"Hi, I'm Y/n." I smiled as I sat next to him.

"Blake." He smiled as he reached out to take my hand, and he placed a small kiss on my knuckles.

"I was going to come say hi sooner but-"

"There's never a good time to say hello?" he questioned as he took a dip of his drink.


We spent hours talking and laughing alone in the corner of the room.

"Do you think it would awkward if we went through to that room, just the two of us?" He smiled whilst he asked me.

"Not at all." I smiled.


Q: How can two strangers in the night time become so close over one night?


His phone started ringing. Again. Must of been the 6th time. Atleast.

He looked at his phone and quickly pressed decline then sent a text.

"Truth or dare?" He asked seductively.

"Dare. Might as well jump in at the deep end." I smirked.

"I dare you to take the rest of your drink and down it." He smirked as I took the glass to my lips and chugged the rest of my drink.

I quickly looked at the clock to see I had 90 seconds till midnight.

"Truth or dare?" I asked him.

"Well, dare." He quirked an eyebrow at me. 75 seconds.

"I dare you to love me." I mumbled.

"What?" He questioned.

I leaned forward to kiss him but he just stood up making me freeze.

"y/n, I have a girlfriend. I was just trying to be kind." He stated making me utterly shocked.

"Blake Edward Richardson get your man-whorey ass face out of my face. I don't want you to be the first person I see at the start of the new year of you aren't going to be in the rest of it." I screamed at him.

He picked up his bottle of beer and left.

The new year started with me sat alone in a room.

He knew I was alone and he thought he could make it better by being alone together.

How could he? 

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