Wherever You Are

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Blake's POV

Everyone seemed great at the start. Like everything. We were so happy. Then came the reality of tour and the fact I'd be taken away from my precious Y/N for so long. Too long.

We both knew long distance was going to be hard. We kept putting off the conversation. But there was only so long we had to put it off. Eventually we needed to talk about it. Eventually we were no longer going to be us. And that hurt. Still does.

For a while we pretended that long distance would work for us. We pretended that we would never have to end what we have. We pretended we would never have to say goodbye to eachother.

"Blake please don't do this."

Her words repeated in my mind.

"It's for the best, Y/N."

I thought it was for the best. It wasn't fair to both of us to force ourselves into making this relationship work.

Flashforward two weeks and here we are. Gate 14. Gatwick Airport. I heald onto her tight as if it was the last time. Which, heartbreakingly, it was.

"I'll never forget you Blake. You were my first everything. I love you." She whispered as I slowly let her go. The tears were obvious and she didn't bother to hide them anymore. There was no point.

"I'll never forget you either Y/N." I weekly smiled and lifted my hand luggage then went to board my plane.

After the plane doors shut and we were told to prepare to take off, I lost it. My eyes flooded with tears as I thought about that fact I'm never going to hold Y/N in my arms as she's no longer mine.

A month past. We were in LA. We were sat on the beach talking. Let me rephrase that. They were talking. Y/N hadn't left my mind. Although I couldn't call her. It's not fair on her. It's also not right of me to tell her all this after telling her we can't be together.

She was back home in England while I was an entire ocean away in America. George and Reece joked about trying to set me up with girls from over here but I couldn't even smile at their jokes. I'm in love and nothing oculd take that away. It hurts. Distance hurts. I wish I didn't have to be here. Well I truly just wish I wasn't so stupid and asked her to come with me. Why didn't I do that?

Nothing in the world could compare to what Y/N and I had.

I've wanted to call her since the mini got of the place a month ago. But I couldn't. It would seem like I'm sending out mixed signals when I need her to just forget about me. What if she already has? What if she's already moved on? I don't know if I want to know. She's happy. She has to be happy. That's what she deserves. It's what everyone deserves. I just can't be happy without her.

If I text her what do I expect her to reply?

"I feel the same."


"I'm coming to spend tour with you."

Truthfully, I don't know what I want to happen or what I want her to say.

She should know how I feel though, right?

We could always be together someday. We have forever to think about this. Nothing lasts forever, I know that. Nothing stays the same.

Although I made her promise to move on, whatever it tokes for her to do so.

"Screw it."

"Blake what are you doing?" George asked.

"I have to message Y/N." I replying while looking through my contacts.

"Trust me you don't want to do that." Reece answered with an undetectable look written across his face.

"I have to, I'm sorry."

"Y/N? I'm sorry I'm messaging. I know I said I wouldn't and that you should move on but I love you. And no matter what I do, I just can't stop thinking of you. Wherever you are or I am. Every night I almost call you just to tell you its you Y/N. You're the only person I want to be with. I'm sorry. I love you endlessly."

Then something happened.

*this number can no longer be reached* 

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2019 ⏰

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