The Fight

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Something was wrong. I could feel it. I stared at Andrew across the room. He was happily munching on his sandwich. Something was missing though. But what?

"Hello? Anyone there?" Tyler waved his hand in front of my face.

I jumped and looked at him. "Yeah. I'm fine. Its just... somethings off."


I nod. "I don't know how to explain it. It's almost... peaceful." I jump again when at least 20 people get up and dash out of the cafeteria.

My table gets up as well to go and investigate. We exit the cafeteria. People are crowded around something screaming. Oooos are passed. Someone is getting the shit beat out of them. I try to look over the crowd but I'm too short. Well, it's like my mother always used to say. If you can't go over, go under. I start pushing my way through the crowd, ducking as I went.

I straightened my back and finally got a good look at what was happening. My pulse quickened and my eyes widened in horror. Evan was on top of Delirious. Delirious was tying to get Even off. He wasn't even fighting back. He was just trying to save himself. And his mask, that damn mask that I hate so much, was at the feet of the onlookers. I started to push through the crowd. That mask didn't only hide his face, it protected it.

A pair of arms wrapped around me and pulled me away. I kick and scream until I finally give up and bite whoever was holding me. They scream and drop me. I scramble to my feet and fight the rest of the way through the crowd.

I snatch up the mask. Where were the teachers? Since they weren't here I decided to take action. I kick Evan in the stomach, yank him off of Jonathan, and throw him away (which wasn't very far since he's so heavy). I kneel down and pick up the mask. I stop. "Woah." The mask falls out of my hand. Everything slowed. As hard as I tried, my eyes wouldn't leave his face. His lip was busted and burises started to form and swell, but it didn't matter. This man, as strange as it may sound, was a piece of art. Gently, I wipe some of the blood away from his lips. He takes in a breath. Then I realize, he's hurt, bad. Tears form in my eyes as I turn to look at Evan, kneeled over looking at me. I scowled at him but his when I'm yanked up by Andrew.

He throws me into an empty classroom against a desk. "You have some damn nerve!" He slams the door. I turn to look at him. Blood ran down his arm. I bit him. I bit my brother. I smile. A laugh escaped my lips.

"Why were they fighting?"

Andrew scowls more, if that's possible. "I think you know!"

My face scrunches in confusion. "No... I don't think I do."

Andrew takes in a breath to calm himself. "You."

"Me? Are you freaking serious?"

"I actually wanted to be the one to beat the hell out of him. But I would have fucking killed the man."

"I don't understand. He's my friend."

"Exactly. Just stay away from him."


"Because I said so! I'm already letting a lot slide with you hanging out with that little friend group of yours!"

I felt my begin blood boil. "Now listen here, bitch." I step forward. "I do what I want. Not what Evan or Andrew wants. And don't look at me like that, I know exactly what this is about. I've been fine for how long while you were prancing around across seas? I don't need you to pick out who I love and defend."

He was silent. "Love?"

My brows knitted together as I looked at the ground. "Yeah," I nodded meeting his eyes, "Love."

"Oh, please, (Y/n). You don't love him."

I shrug. "Maybe I do. Maybe I don't. Who knows." I walk past him and put my hand on the doorknob.

"We're not done."

I smile back at him. "Yes. Yes we are."


"Miss (L/n), it seems I'm seeing you in here more and more now days."

I close the door to the principals office. Evan was pouting in a chair in front of the desk. Jonathan was in another one pulling his hood down to cover his face. "But who honestly wouldn't," I joked.

The principal smirked and motioned to the chair between Evan and Delirious. I sat down and crossed my legs, smiling like a child who's waiting for their surprise.

"You know why you're here?" I nod energetically. I look at the name on the desk. I've been here for how long and never learned our principals name. Mr. Chen looks at me impressed. "I expected you to pout like these two."

"I prefer to make the best out of the worse."

He leans forward. "Why did you interfere? You could have avoided coming here if you did."

I felt eyes turn to me. Why did I interfere? "I-" The eyes stared more intensely. "I don't know."

"Liar." It was a mumble but it was audible.

I looked at Evan. "Excuse me?"

He looked at me. "People don't do things if they don't anything to gain from it. So why did you do it?"

I stare at him in disbelief. "Are you fucking serious?"

Mr Chen cleared his throat. "He's right, (Y/n)," Jonathan sighed.

I felt my heart burst, thousands of emotions exploding. Something in me snapped. I don't know what, but I realized something in that heart shattering moment.

I do need Andrew.

My nails dug into the arms of the chair. My legs fell off the chair. I'm here because I defended Jonathan, and then he goes and does this. I stare at him. He looks out from under his hood at me.

I sprung from the chair and walk out the room, slamming the door. I sit in the waiting chair outside the office. The office attendant looked at me. Tears of fury started streaming down my face. "Are you okay?" She asked, concerned.

"I'm fine. He can see me when he's done with those two."

She nodded in understanding. "Most boys are jerks anyway."

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