Waking Up

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Bakugou POV

'Where the fuck am I?' I thought as he woke up in the infirmary a slight thumping echoing in the back of his head.
I groan pulling myself up into sitting position. In the corner of the room was Recovery Girl talking to All Might but really quietly (So quietly I couldn't hear them). "Hey! Why am I here?" He shouted but he could barely even figure out what he was saying. "What the fuck." I whispered.

All Might moved closer to me and started to move his lips around. "Huh?" I say. Recovery Girl moves forward towards me holding a white board.•{I AM NOT A DOCTOR SORRY IF THIS DOESN'T MAKE SENSE}• Carefully she wrote on the white board. 'You have damaged your ears beyond even my repair. Your hearing has been slowly getting worse and that over use of your quirk has permanently damaged them.'. 'What the hell?!" I thought as she rubbed the white board clean. "My hearing is fucking fine!" I scream desperate to hear myself. She raised her eyebrow in contention. 'Really?' She scribbled down. She then began to talk to me but however hard I tried no sound reached me. Confusion and concentration probably painted my face but I couldn't stop it. I didn't even bother to try.

"See? The school is sending you to hospital to see if they can do anything to help you. But before that you have to go to Aisawa and give him this note explaining what happened." She wrote on the white board then thrusted a pink slip at me and shoved it into my shocked hands.

I jump off the Infirmary bed and grip the slip of pink paper tightly and stuff it in my pocket and start to walk to my classroom trying but failing to unclench my fists enough to not make noticeable dents in them. I notice I'm still in my gym kit and just shrug it off. As I walk down the corridor I remember what happened before I passed out. I groaned. Nobody is going to let me live down me being carried off by Icythot. Especially not when I was carried off like a limp doll.

I turn the corner and brace myself for entering the classroom. I put on my signature frown to mask the nervous thoughts in my head but being completely honest it wasn't particularly hard to put on a brave (possibly scary face) for my class most of those extras are annoying as hell anyway. 'Why me?' I think and open the classroom door. Quickly, I muster as much confidence as I can and stride in there like I own the place. Then I shove the crumpled up slip into Aisawa's desk and slowly he picks it up and examines it. He nods at me without emotion. His lack of emotion reminds me I didn't even read the note before giving it to him.

He then begins to write onto the slip 'go down to the entrance to meet Mic. He's taking you." After finishing reading the note I try and avoid the eyes off my classmates which are with no doubt on me. I look up and meet Shitty hairs eyes which are full with worry. I scoff and walk downstairs to the front entrance. 'Here we fucking go, I guess.'

Sorry for a short chap. I have a comp today (Nationals)

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