In the doctors office

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Bakugou POV

'Holy fuck' were the only words I could think as the doctor held a piece of paper in front of my face proclaiming 'You have gone almost completely deaf.'. Honestly, I felt completely deaf  at that moment.
I feel gross warm tears fall down my face as I try to understand the concept. God what was wrong with me. I barely cry normally and now all of a sudden the waterworks were switched onto full power. Desperately, I wipe them away but they just keep fucking coming. 'Fucking Fantastic' I think. Ever since I woke up I've thought about it. I've considered it but only now it seems real.
'We can help you but only a little bit. We can raise your hearing from practically nothing to a little bit better. So you might hear things but they will sound more like whispers. You will have to wear hearing aids to get to that level of hearing again.' The doctor scribbles down. I look at Present Mic sitting next to me throughout the appointment. I must look so weak and defenceless like this. It's all fucking bullshit.
'Shit.' I'm going to have to go back  to school and sit through all the questions and pity. The pity will be the worst undoubtedly. I can't fucking stand pity and all that shit.
But I'm not giving up because of my shitty ears and I am certainly not giving up in wake of those other shitty nerds in 1-A.
I smile to myself. I can fucking do this. I will be the best fucking hero ever. No doubt about that before all this shit sure as hell no doubt about it now my ears are screwed. 
The doctor guided me to get a fitting and talk more (well write/read more) about my new hearing aids.
Holy shit I can stream music though them!! This might not be all bad news at least.

I will also have to learn some more JSL to get by better just generally. I did a few courses on it when I was a bit younger (my mum insisted she said if I was going to be a hero I had to be ready to help everyone) so I know quite a bit but still not enough of its one of my primary ways of communicating to others going forward.
Present Mic tells me I have been excused from school for the next week so I can readjust to my new predicament. Which is shitty as hell. Not going is almost worse than going. All those shitty nerds getting enough time to work themselves up about the accident.
I furiously scribble down "Are you telling my class about my hearing?". I thrust the paper at him. He shakes his head indicating he hadn't.
Thank fucking God. That makes this slightly more bearable. For now at least.

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