Chapter 11

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I don't know how long I have been in the library but that doesn't matter. I grabbed the book that my mom made and started running down the steps of the library. I waved goodbye to the librarian and ran out of the doors. I didn't mind leaving school before it ends, in fact, I was ecstatic! I ran out of the school doors and continued running to the pack house. It took me about 3 minutes to get to the pack house running. 'That's a new record' I thought to myself. I walked into the pack house and ran up to my room. I grabbed everything I needed and put it all into my school bag that I had emptied out earlier. I walked to my 'brother's' room and went to the safe that he hid behind the family picture that he had in the corner of his room. I moved the picture and put in the code that I found when I was cleaning his room. I heard a click and the safe opened and I grabbed wads and wads of money. Just in case I grabbed more money to make sure I had enough. I put all the money in the bag and closed the safe and put the picture back. I didn't bother writing a note since I know they won't bother to read it. Once I got downstairs, I grabbed one of the keys that were hanging up on the coat hanger.

Don't ask why we put them there, we just do. I grabbed a set of keys and walked to the garage that had all the cars in it. I pressed the panic button on the keys and saw a light in the corner of the garage. I stopped the siren and touched the motorcycle. It was a beauty. It was a glossy royal blue color and had a black seat. The sides had red flames on them. I don't know if I mentioned this but I had my drivers license so I could legally drive. I sat on the seat and put the keys in. I looked to see if I could find anything that could cover my eyes when I was riding. I found a black helmet sitting on the ground near the bike. I grabbed the helmet and made sure that the bag was on my back before I rode off. Once I made sure that the bag wouldn't fall off the hopped on the bike and started it up. It roared loudly like a lion. I revved it a little more and started to head out of the garage. Once I was out I speeded down the road. I could tell that this bike will be forever mine. I just love it so much. I drove for a few minutes before I was at the border. 'Should I cross Lupus?'

'Of course! Have you seen the way they treat you? If you don't cross, I will cross for you, also did you pack the book your mom made?'

'Yeah. I made sure that I had it before I left.' Lupus nodded her head before she went into the back of my mind. I crossed the border and felt free. 'That's because you are' Lupus said scaring me half to death. I ran multiple red lights before I got to the airport. I hopped off the bike and walked in. I walked up to the lady at the desk and asked for a ticket to London, Europe. She handed me a ticket after I paid her and pointed to my bike. She nodded and typed something on her computer. "We can deliver your bike with you to Paris if you want.

It would arrive the same time you will so you can start riding it right away. I nodded and smiled. I handed her money to pay for the bike. It would be a few hours before the plane would be boarding.

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