Chapter 30

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"Yes, you are a hybrid. But you might have more sides than just your witch and werewolf sides,"

"So, does that mean I will go through the shifting process multiple times?"


"Won't that be fun," She only laughed and didn't say anything else. We sat in silence for multiple minutes until she opened her mouth, about to say something but then stopped. She kept opening her mouth and closing it seconds later. I didn't think she was going to start up a conversation so I said the first thing that came to mind. "Why did you leave me with Dad and Derek? Well I know you said it in the letter but I have a feeling that it wasn't the whole truth,"

"Well ...You are right about me not telling the whole truth. But I couldn't risk writing down everything in a letter. What if someone else found the book? They would have valuable information that I couldn't risk getting out."

"So what aren't you telling me?"

"Um...How do I put this? Well, your father isn't really your father. Your real father is, well, the Demon King. I know you might be thinking about how he could be your father and just let me explain since you don't know much about witch's. So, witch's have 2 mates and one mate will over power the other in rank. You will be more attracted to the mate with the higher rank. And well, my two mates are the Demon King and your brothers father. I made love to both of them around the same time since I found both of them around the same time. Somehow, I found out that I was pregnant. I went to my coven doctor for a check and she told me 'the babies have different fathers. Since you are a witch, that is normal'. But I never knew that could happen. The next few weeks I ignored both of my mates until Derek's father tracked me down. He asked why I was ignoring him and I told him the truth, except the part where you had a different father. We lived happily for multiple months until the Demon King got in touch with me. That was a little bit before I wrote the note that was in the book. I had a seer from my coven come to the house and had her show me the future. I saw what would happen if I left and what would happen if I didn't I chose the safer choice and let you when you were 10. I wanted to be there for a small part of your life before I left. But when I left your father found me in Spain and we had a lovely talk. He wasn't like I remembered him to be. He was sweet and caring. He...Changed, and for the better nonetheless. He said he has been looking for me for a decade and hasn't stopped looking. He talked about how he would always love me no matter what. And that was when I told him that you were his instead of you being my other mates child. What I didn't realize was that there was someone from the pack where we met. They had overheard our whole conversation. All that private information, they heard it all. Reece, your father, was so mad when he found out that he lit up everything in fire around us. It ended up killing the person who we soon found out was one of the many warriors that worked for my other mate. Reece didn't kill him fast enough and he was able to mindlink the whole pack telling them that you weren't my other mates child. My other mate, Henry, was furious. And I'm guessing he took all his anger out on you instead of an actual punching bag."

Author's Note: Hey guys, this is my first ever authors note and I want to know if I should do this more and what they should include. I am so sorry for not posting in a while and this chapter was rushed since I did it in 30 minutes.  I promise to make these longer and please don't be afraid to correct me if I made a mistake, it would actually help a lot since most of you are better at grammar than me. So yeah, thanks for reading this :)

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