Chapter 7

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(Me: Well, I shouldn't procrastinate, I'll work on Ochamina.

*logs onto Wattpad*

Ochamina: 69 views.

Me: Oh... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°  ) Nice.)

Of course, Ochako's aunt and uncle freaked the hell out when they heard about the incident in the gas station. This soon lead to a big talk about social issues and how if they were in charge things would be different. You know, that petty adult stuff. 

"I just can't believe... that someone would have the..." Ochako's aunt thought a bit, and shuddered, "The audacity to prey upon young innocent little girls! If I ran the law system, all pedophiles would be sentenced with a death penalty. No questions asked!"

Ochako's uncle nodded his head. Maybe he was in agreement, maybe he was in fear that his wife would obliterate him if he disagreed, poor Ochako's uncle. (I refuse to give them names)

The girls had no comments about the incident, they played tic tac toe in the back of the car. Whenever Ochako's aunt asked them a question, they nodded their head on instinct, and went back to playing their a hundredth game of tic tac toe. 

"Well..." Ochako's uncle started, "The next hotel we're going to will have a pool, girls! Did you bring more than one swimsuit Ochako? I know you're a little under packed so..." 

"I didn't but I have..." Ochako shifted through her backpack, "552.14 yen!(basically the equivalent of 5 US dollars) I can buy her a swimsuit!" 

Ochako's uncle was in awe by Ochako's pure innocence. He reached back to Ochako and ruffled her hair. "That's very sweet, Ochako. We'll buy her a swimsuit at a clothes store when we pass through Kyoto." 

"Oh, yeah! Humans keep quantities of water in man-made grooves for their enjoyment! They'll have one of those? I've always wanted to try one but, water is in a shortage on my planet so I never got the chance." 

"I hope you don't mind me asking, Mina," Uncle Haruto(Yes that'll be his name) started, "But what's your planet like?" 

"I don't mind at all. My planet doesn't really have a name. It's a colony run by a larger alien race. My race is considered a sub-species on my planet. We do have an area code, we're commonly referred to as Planet 55307. Our colony has tried to mimic the ways of Earth for many years. My planet is a mimic of Asia. That's why I have a Japanese name and last name. We left my planet because we're running out of natural resources like water and clean oxygen." Mina explained, sounding more smart and nerdy than her usual cheery bubbly self.

"I've never heard of your planet before, but that's very interesting Mina. Thank you for telling me." Uncle Haruto said, taking a few notes on a notepad. Uncle Haruto had a hobby of collecting information about other planets, he was quite the astronomer. He kept star and planet charts at home and as much astronomical information as he could in his brain.

Mina nodded, and went back to their game of tic tac toe, putting a big fat x in the middle square. 

After a few hours of driving, swimsuit shopping, and a few intense tic tac toe games later, a magical time skip brought us to the hotel. Ochako and Mina ran around and tortured some hotel guests with floating objects and missing baggage. 

"Hey, Mina! I got a question!" Ochako said, making some random person's flip flops float up to the ceiling. They were next to dolly's people just left their baggage there hoping no one would steal it. 

"Shoot." Mina said sorting through a large opened suitcase full of goth-y clothing and my chemical romance posters. 

"Do you have a quirk? Like a superpower or something?" Ochako asked, looking at Mina, who was examining a diary full of edgy poems. The diary was by someone named Tokoyami, he must've been edgy as hell. (Yes, Tokoyami. The edgy five year old)

"Well... aliens do develop certain powers depending on their genes. I can secrete acid from my skin. Does that count?" Mina asked.

"That does seem pretty cool! Can you show me?" Ochako asked, clearly interested. 

"Sure, it kind of hurts. But, I think that I need to get more used to my skin resistance." Mina concentrated a bit and acid started coming out of her hands, melting Tokoyami's edgy poems.

"That's sooooo cool!" Ochako said excitedly. "It kind of looks like milk! You could do seriously funny pranks with that!" (It also looks like cum but she's five. Don't be dirty people.)

"Hey, you girls over there! Stop messing with the bags!" A bellboy yelled, causing the girls to run away, squealing with delight. 

*A timeskip, leading to them walking to the pool, brought to you by Mina's MILK qurik*

"Your swimsuit looks so cute on you Ochako!" Mina said skipping down the hallway with Ochako. 

Ochako giggled a bit, "Thanks Mina! You look cute too!"

Aunt Yui(That's her name now.) trailed behind them, talking to Ochako's mom on the phone.

They went to the pool and swam around together. Splashing each other with the chlorinated water, their laughter echoing throughout the pool room. 

"Hey, hey! Ochako! If you go down into the water and open your eyes and hold your breath, other people underneath the water look like mermaids!" 

"Really?" Ochako asked, a little surprised that Mina knew what a mermaid was.

"Yeah, their hair is all wavy in the water, I saw you underwater, you looked really pretty!" Mina said laughing a bit.

"Yeah, their hair is all wavy in the water, I saw you underwater, you looked really pretty!" Mina said laughing a bit

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(Literally just found this on Amino by SammuSenpai, how convenient for me, anyways...)

Ochako's cheeks flushed a little, "Thanks, Mina!" 

After a bit of swimming the girls went back to the hotel room, they went to bed, together. And for once in both of their lives they felt like they had made a very good friend.

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