Chapter 10

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8 Years Later

-A time skip brought to you by Mina's cotton candy hair-

Ochako was lounging in her room reading books. It was a lazy Summer day and Ochako had nothing to do. It was a sweltering hot outside and since they didn't have any air conditioners in their apartment Ochako was lying on the tile floor trying to stay cool. 

"Ochako, we're home." Ochako's mom said, opening the door to their apartment.

"Hi, mom." Ochako said, looking up at her mom.

"Don't lie on the floor, bugs are going to crawl into your hair Ochako." Ochako's mom said, setting down some groceries on their kitchen counter.

"Gah!" Ochako stood up, shaking her head to get out any potential bugs. Of course no bugs got in her hair but you'd be worried to.

"Have you done anything besides lie on the floor today, Ochako?" Ochako's mom asked, "I don't blame you though, it's hot outside.

"I went to the gym...." Ochako said, looking though the freezer for an Ice Pop or something.

"You left your phone in my car, it's being buzzing non-stop with texts and what not. You're lucky I didn't look through it." Ochako's mom said, setting Ochako's phone on the kitchen table.

Ochako lazily picked it up and opened it up. It had taken her years to save up for it and it was still a crappy flip phone. She hadn't used it much since she got it but it was still nice. 

Her phone had blown up with texts from Mina. Ochako smiled, and read through them.

{Pinky: Good morning Infinity Girl!

10:28 AM

Pinky: Haruto, Yui, and I are going to be in town for a while. I'm with a friend, we should hang out soon.

12:55 PM

Pinky: My friend and I are going to be at the cafe in an hour, you should come.

1:04 PM}

Ochako finished reading the texts and looked over at the kitchen clock, it was 1:54. She decided to go meet up with Mina because she had nothing better to do. 

{InfinityGirl: Okay! Sounds good! I'll meet up with you guys there.

Pinky: Oh! You responded! I thought you were ignoring me. See you there!

1:56 PM}

Ochako put on some running gear and made her way to the door.

"Where are you heading off to?" Ochako's mom asked, she was making dinner in the kitchen. 

"Going to the cafe, Mina invited me over." Ochako said putting in ear buds, she plugged it into her flip phone and turned on some music, "Besides it's a good chance to get a run in."

Ochako ran to the cafe, there was lemonade stands lined up around the town as she ran it took about ten minutes to run to the cafe. The cafe did have a name but it was a strange french word that nobody knew how to pronounce, except for the owner. It's true name was Le Cafe D'ecureuil, it was something about squirrels. Ochako and Mina just called it the cafe though, it was easier and more convenient. 

Sweat beaded on Ochako's forehead as she ran, she was trying to increase her running speed gradually as she ran. She was kind of having a mini Pacer Test inside her head as she went. After a few minutes she'd increase her speed. She eventually reached the cafe after 10 minutes of running.

She opened the doors of the cafe and wiped her sweat covered forehead, she looked around and immediately spotted Mina's vibrant pink hair. Mina quickly saw Ochako arrive and waved her over eagerly.

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