Chapter 8...(I guess)

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It was the final day of driving. Unlike the past three days it was stormy and cloudy. Every few minutes, thunder would roar in the family's ears. The lightning strikes were close by, lighting up the whole car, even from a distance. Rain splattered against the window, only god knows how Aunt Yui was able to see where she was driving. 

The girls tried to occupy themselves with road games but found the thunder to be too distracting. Mina stated that she was used to the thunder since it often thundered on her planet. Mina was tired, but, she wanted to keep Ochako company, since Ochako seemed to be scared of the thunder.

Every clap of thunder mad Ochako jump a bit, it was so constant that Ochako was starting to get used to it but, you can't blame her, she's five. 

"We're almost out of the storm girls, just be patient." Uncle Haruto said, turning up the music, with the occasional break of static. 

"Mina?" Ochako asked, still scared. Mina didn't respond. "Mina?" Ochako looked over at Mina, who was snoring quietly. She had fallen asleep, she couldn't help it, she found the thunder soothing, and she was used to it. 

Ochako shook Mina a bit, "Hey, Mina?" 

Mina muttered something in her sleep and leaned over to Ochako, resting her head on Ochako's shoulder. 

Ochako's cheeks went a little pink, but she let Mina stay there, she was tired, and she would need the sleep. 

"Ochako why don't you try to go to sleep?" Uncle Haruto said, "It's going to be a busy day and the Protection Agency so I need you to be rested up." 

Ochako nodded and closed her eyes. It took her about an hour to fall asleep, due to the thunder and lightning which terrified Ochako more than spiders, villains, or dolphins. Don't question the dolphin part, it was traumatizing experience. 

Ochako drifted off into that weird dream place you go to. Ochako was somewhat aware that she was dreaming since the concept of the dream was so outlandish that it couldn't be real. She was grown up, well in high school, and she was at the dock near the creek in the woods. But, the sky was pink, and the bugs were the size of her head. The flowers in the cherry trees bloomed to the size of cars. Ochako was wearing  a pink sundress. 

"Hey! Ochako look!" A voice called out. 

It was Mina, she looked older, more mature too. She was wading in the creek holding something in her hands. 

"What is it?" Ochako asked, she was aware of what she was saying, you know, those dreams where you can control what you're doing, vaguely. 

Mina held up a plate of spaghetti, "You think it's a keeper?" Mina said, imitating the voice of a fisherman. 

This was nonsense. Ochako laughed a bit, "I'd say it's a winner. While we're at it, why don't we enter it in the local fishing competition?" 

Mina laughed too, "Yeah I'm sure we'd get first prize, or at least an honorable mention. Do you think they still hand those out to high school kids? Or is that just Elementary?" 

"I think they do it to make kids feel better. My soccer team won a game once and everyone still got participation trophies. Felt unfair." Ochako said, playing with a strand of her hair. Her haircut hadn't changed at all from when she was a kid.

Mina hoisted herself up onto the dock and grabbed her shoes and socks and put them on. She had a pink bag hanging on her shoulder, it was decorated with NASA pins and a stereotypical alien face. She looked over at Ochako and a realization came over her, "Oh, I forgot!" 

"Forgot what?" Ochako asked, her five year old curiosity kicking in. 

"This!" Mina pulled out a small gift wrapped present. "You didn't think I'd forget our anniversary, right?" 

"Anniversary...?" Ochako was confused, of course this was a dream, but that didn't make any sense. Besides meeting each other they hadn't had many eventful things happen so far in their lives together. 

"Our two year anniversary? The anniversary of when we started dating? Don't tell me you, out of all people, forgot it." Mina said, like it was the most obvious thing in the world. A large cherry blossom, bloomed into a car sized blossom and then exploded behind Mina. 

Ochako reassured herself this was a dream and caught her breath... wait, she didn't have to breathe in a dream right...? Whatever. "We've been dating? We're five." Ochako said dropping the charade. 

"Well of course we are. This is a dream." Mina said in a serious tone, "Now open your present!" Mina held the present out to Ochako eagerly. 

Ochako took it gingerly from Mina's hands, she unwrapped the pink bow, encasing the small box. She opened the box and to her surprise, "Two tickets to Washington D.C?!" Ochako said shocked, it was a dream so of course it seemed too good to be true.

"Yeah! Now we can finally go visit NASA like you've always wanted to! Took me a year of mowing lawns to save up for it. Isn't this exciting!" Mina said, her eyes lighting up a bit with excitement. 

Ochako nodded, "I can't except this, how will I ever pay you back?" Ochako asked, looking up at Mina. 

"Too, bad it's already set in stone. And you don't have to pay me back silly goose! What kind of girlfriend would do that?" Mina said, pressing the box into Ochako's hand, nodding.

"Okay! You're the sweetest thing ever!" Ochako said, bringing Mina into a tight hug. 

Fireflies the size of firetrucks started floating over the tiny creak, one passing the two girls by, almost blinding them with it's bright light. 

Mina nodded and stood up, "Anyways, the carnival's open, and I know you want to go on the roller coaster. Let's see who can throw up first!" Mina leaned down and kissed Ochako on the head. She bounded off into the iridescent pinkish purple sky, heading to a small car. 

Ochako knew this wouldn't last long, but she wanted it too. She'd only known Mina for such a short time, of course she couldn't harbor these kind of feelings for her at such a young age. But a at the moment all she wanted to do was mess around with Mina.

"Coming!" Ochako called to Mina, running off into the pink sunset. 

(Oof, sorry my two fans who don't care about my writing. Or maybe you do and my self esteem is just that low. Sorry I haven't written in a while. School stuff. I hope you enjoyed this horrible fanfic entry of Ochamina. I'll try to write tomorrow. I'm surprised it's gotten this many views already. Thank you so much for reading. Bye!) 

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