Chapter 9

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(Before I start I just made the most stupid, probably wrong, realization. So you know Mina's room from the room contest episode? 

If you look at her picture board, you can see a picture of her and Uraraka

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If you look at her picture board, you can see a picture of her and Uraraka. You have to look closely. 

I mean, if that ain't cute as fuck I don't know what is.

Anyways, on with the story.)

The dream didn't last that long. Ochako was woken up by her uncle who said that they'd be arriving soon. Mina was already awake, she was reading Ochako's space book. The weather had drastically improved, it was now all sunny and happy.

Ochako rubbed her eyes and drowsily looked over at what Mina was reading. "What're you reading about?" 

"Hypervelocity Stars, 'In 2005 Smithsonian astronomers discovered the first "hypervelocity star:" a massive star whose 2 million mph velocity can be explained only by ejection from the Galaxy's massive black hole. This "outcast" star has been thrown out of the Milky Way and is destined to drift in the emptiness of intergalactic space.'" Mina read from the book, then looked over at Ochako and grinned, "Whatever that means. I don't get any of this book. Why do you like it?" 

"I like it mainly for the pictures. There's a picture gallery in the back of the book. Here, I'll show you my favorite." Ochako took the book from Mina and flipped to the picture gallery. "It's called the Orion Nebula. I think it looks pretty, that's all."

"Oh! It's one of the diffuse nebula's in your Milky Way!" Mina said, excitedly

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"Oh! It's one of the diffuse nebula's in your Milky Way!" Mina said, excitedly. Mina wasn't generally very smart, but she knew most things about the solar system and Milky Way. Due to her colony's obsessions over Earth. 

"Huh?" Ochako asked, confused on what Mina had said, "What's a, 'diffuse nebula?'"

"Sorry, I'm geeking out over nebula's. It's nothing, really." Mina said, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment. "My family knew a lot about the Milky Way."

Ochako and Mina continued this conversation about nebula's and the Milky Way for a while, until they arrived at the agency.

"Girls we're here." Uncle Haruto said, looking back at the girls.

The Alien Protection Facility was a gloomy looking building in the Chiba prefecture. It didn't look protective at all in the sense that protesters were lined up outside of the building, spray painting the walls with hateful messages, and throwing rotten fruit at the walls. Security guards, prodded them off with billy clubs but the protesters were determined. 

They drove away from the protesters into the driveway that lead to the agency. Aunt Yui rolled down her window at an intercom waiting to be tended to by an agent.

"Hello, Welcome to the Alien Protection Services, my name is Kari how can I help you today?" A voice said from the intercom, who apparently was Kari.

"Hi Kari, it's us Haruto and Yui. We're just bringing in an alien to be registered."

"Oh, Yui! I thought you were still on vacation. Did you leave early?" Kari asked.

"She landed in our backyard, we left to register her, that's all."

"Well I'll meet you inside, come on in." 

The gates opened up and Aunt Yui drove on in. Mina looked a little nervous but at least she wasn't crying like Aunt Yui and Uncle Haruto thought she was going to do. Being registered was a scary thing, especially when you were a kid. 

They entered the building where Kari greeted them and took them into a blank white room with only a few chairs and a table. 

Kari sat down at the table with a folder of paper work. "Well let's get started," Kari pulled out a packet full of paper, "What's you name honey?"

"Mina... Mina Ashido..." Mina mumbled under her breath. Ochako hadn't seen her this distant since they had met.

"Mmmhmm... and what planet are you from?" Kari asked, writing some stuff down.

"Planet 55037." Mina replied.

They talked for a while it was pretty boring. Ochako just stared at Mina's hair the whole time. It was so fuzzy, like cotton candy. Ochako loved cotton candy, maybe Mina's hair was made out of cotton candy. Ochako decided she'd ask Mina later. 

"Okay, Mina. Let's take you into the nurse's room for a checkup. Are you fine going alone?" Kari asked.

"Can I bring Ochako with me?" Mina asked.

"Ochako... Oh you mean her?" Kari asked pointing to Ochako.

"Yeah." Mina said, looking at Kari as if she was the dumbest person she had ever met.

"Uh.. sure." Kari looked over at Aunt Yui, "You okay with that?"

"Yeah, they're friends. Ochako will behave. Right?" Aunt Yui said, looking down at Ochako. 

Ochako nodded.

"Okay, follow me girls." Kari said leading the girls into another pale white room. It had medical equipment and everything. "Wait here and don't touch anything! The nurse will be right with you." 

Kari left the room and left the girls to their own devices. 

"Hey Mina?"

"Yeah, Ochako?"

"Is your hair made of cotton candy?"

"What's cotton candy?" 

"It's like sugar but in a pink form and they put it into this weird puffy stuff. It's good."

"No I don't think so. My hair is normal hair. I think... Wanna test it out?"

"Yeah!" Ochako went over to Mina and bit a piece of her hair. "Bleh." Ochako spat it out, "It's not cotton candy."

Mina laughed a bit, "Sorry to dissapoint!"

Ochako laughed too they talked about cotton candy until the nurse came in. The nurse did some checkups while Mina and Ochako talked about carnival food some more. 

"Okay girls, your aunt and uncle are waiting out in the hallway. Go meet up with them."

Mina and Ochako did as they were told and bounded out into the hallway. 

"Hey, girls," Aunt Yui said, "We have to talk a bit. I know this is really out of the blue but, it's serious."

They all sat down in a waiting room, also white and depressing. 

"So Mina, we were just talking about where we're going to have you go after all of this... if you're going to an adoption center or somewhere else." Uncle Haruto started.

"Oh... yeah?" Mina said, looking a little sad. She had assumed that this might happen but, she had been avoiding the thought.

"And, it really all depends on your decision but, Haruto and I have never been able to have kids... So we were wondering if you would like us to adopt you into the family." Aunt Yui said, holding Haruto's hand.

Mina was shocked. She hadn't expected this, her eyes welled up with tears, "Of course!" She gave Aunt Yui a hug, finalizing her agreement to this process. 

And that is how Mina became part of the family. It's a little strange, I know. And very cheesy, Mina and Ochako weren't ever separated after that they were practically joined at the hip. Everything seemed okay after that. But not all good things can last. 

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