Chapter 4

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Third Person POV

"What do you mean she saw you!? We haven't even seen you!" Autumn shouts from the woods.

"Look I had my hood down and she just came..." Winter says.

"Well what are you going to do about it!?" Autumn asks.

"I don't know! She probably didn't even realize who I was." Winter says.

"Why does it even matter if she knows who you are? It's not like she's met you before right?" Spring asks.

"I... have a past with this camp..." Winter says.

"Wow this is the most you've talked to us!" Summer says. They all ignore him, he rolls his eyes and continues to eat.

"Okay well you look different now so it doesn't matter." Autumn states plainly. Autumn has one thought in his head, he pushes it away refusing to let himself believe it.

"It does matter. She knew me.. and she would recognize me." Winter says this, his voice is getting quieter, he realizes he is giving off who he may be by hints. But the seasons wouldn't know him, right?

"Well it's not like you were here boyfriend Percy Jackson." Summer says laughing, his voice gets quieter and sadder, "that kid is gone..." he adds a fake laugh at the end, loosing his appetite he throws his food in a fire that he creates.

"Yeah..." agrees Autumn.

Winter stay quiet though.

"Who were you?" Summer asks, his voice dry and hopeful.

"Someone who was not important." Winter says.

"Show us your face. And we'll show you ours." This time it was Spring speaking.

"I don't trust you will show me. You guys go first." Winter says.

"How about at the same time?" Autumn asks.

"Fine." Winter reluctantly gets up.

They all gather in a circle and put their hands to their hoods, their hoods are taken off.

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