one transfer, or two?

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"Today is the day that we found our husband's," Eesha says to me as she comes out of her class and we head down to the cafeteria.

"What do you mean?" I ask her.

"You found that guy at the train station and there's a transfer in my History Class and he's so fit!" she squeals in excitement.

"About the guy at the train station, he actually goes here aswell, there must be two transfers," she notices my dull expression.

"What's wrong, I thought you said he was really good looking?"

"He is but his personality is the worst, he's literally ruined my day," I reply sighing.

"Don't worry we'll go get some noodles and you don't have to think about him, because wait till I show you the new guy," Eesha smiles, opening the door to the cafeteria.

As soon as we walk in my eyes land on a certain dark haired devil, happily eating away. Eesha follows my line of sight and almost stops breathing.

"There he is," she whispers.

"What?" I look at her, completely baffled.

"You don't mean-"

"Jeon Jungkook," she interrupts, "That's his name...but who's that with him?" I look again over to where Jimin's sat and notice another boy, with slightly browner hair and he's laughing at something Jimin said. They seem like close friends.

Before I can stop her, Eesha walks over there with both of our noodles and chopsticks. I hurry to stop her but she has already approached the table.
"Jungkook!" she smiles brightly and plops down next to him. She looks at the seat next to Jimin and then back at me. I look over at Jimin who looks completely uninterested and is typing away on his phone. Not caring what he thinks I loudly drop my bag onto the table and sit next to him, earning a hard stare from him. That will teach him to not ignore me.

"I'm Eesha, you are...?" she asks Jimin and he immediately brightens up, leaning forward and putting his phone back in his pocket.

"I'm Jimin, I just started here. This university is huge, I've got lost so many times already," he laughs and his perfect smile puts me on edge. Why is he acting like this? Eesha, unknowing of who he is, carries on the conversation with him. Jungkook keeps making Eesha laugh but I'm not paying attention. My mind is so confused at Jimin and his behaviour - is this who he really is? Was he just annoyed at me in particular? But how could he be annoyed at me, he doesn't even know me? Is this how friendly he is on a daily basis and if it is, then why is it making me feel so uncomfortable?

"Simran takes English aswell," I tune back into the conversation as everyone turns to look at me.

"Do you? Hopefully we're in the same class," Jimin looks at me, with a boyish smile that the others think is genuine, but I know better.

"I hope not," I mumble as I shove more noodles in my mouth, silently praying that lunch will be over soon. I feel Eesha kick my leg from under the table and gives me a look of confusion. I look back at her, letting her know to trust that I know what I'm doing.

"Jimin and I have to go now to check in at our dorms and sort our things out, but it was great talking to you guys," Jungkook says as he slowly gets up from his chair and picks up his bag from under the table.

"Yeah that's fine, let us know if you guys need help to find anything," Eesha replies, beaming at Jungkook. He nods and sticks up a cute peace sign and nudges Jimin, who was on his phone again, to follow him and they exit the cafeteria. As soon as they're out of earshot Eesha interrogates me.

"Okay what was that about?" she starts.

"That was the train guy. Jimin." I explain to her everything that happened, from him bumping into me, being rude and ignoring me to him acting up in front of everyone.

"Wow, yeah I thought he was putting it on a bit. But you were right he is actually beautiful." she sighs and continues.

"Jungkook is just perfect though, did you know he can dance aswell?"

We talk about the new transfers all the way until we get to our dorm. Mostly Eesha was relaying all the facts she had learned about Jungkook, who after a while she decided to call JK, and I wished Jimin was more like him.

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