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The lights were hurting my eyes and the pounding music was giving me a headache.

The nightclub was packed and I looked around for Eesha and started to panic as I couldn't see her. I pushed out of the crowd and stood to the side for a moment, trying to compose myself. I felt someone's breath on my neck and I quickly turned, to have all the oxygen knocked out of me.

Robbie stood there, an evil grin fixed on his face and his eyes were dark and sinister. I took a step back but the people behind me had formed a barrier, forcing me to stay in the spot.

Chills were going down my spine and my whole body broke into a sweat, my eyes darting around, desperately looking for an escape. Robbie advanced and at that moment I shot up.

I opened my eyes, which were wet with tears and I placed a hand over my racing heart. My hair was stuck to my back in sweat and I turned to the side, hanging my legs over the bed.

Tying my hair up, I decided to go to the kitchen to get a glass of water. I looked at myself in the mirror as I walked past. My eyes were red and tired and I looked truly shaken up. I needed to calm down - it wasn't real, Robbie wasn't there.

I went to turn into the front room and froze as I spotted a shadow moving around. I quickly took a step back, pressing my body against the wall and looking up at the ceiling, willing for this to still be a nightmare. My hands were shaking and I wrung them together, trying to stop myself from freaking out. I slowly peeked around the wall and the shadow was now moving things around. It was definitely a guy, he was quite tall and lean. He opened the curtain to look on the windowsill and my eyes widened as the moonlight fell on his face, revealing him to me. I let out a sigh of relief as I came out from the side and quickly turned on the lamp.

"Jungkook!" I whispered as he whipped around, equally as startled as I was.

"What are you doing?" I ask, still attempting to calm my heart rate.

"I came to look for my phone charger, I think I left it here somewhere," he says standing awkwardly in the middle of the room.

"Jungkook are you being serious? You came here at 1am for a charger?! You scared me!" I almost shout at his ridiculousness.

"I know but Jimin was using mine. I figured no one would be up and I could quickly get it. I never sleep anyway, this is kinda early for me," He explains, coming closer. He stops about a foot away from me and I almost want to hide away.

"What happened?" He asks and I don't have time to control the tears as I sit on the sofa and put my head in my hands.

Jungkook takes a seat next to me and gently rubs my back as I cry. Why does everyone have to pity and console me? I should be strong enough on my own.

After a few minutes, he slowly pries my hands away from my face. I look up at him with my tear-stained cheeks and he carefully uses his thumb to wipe the tears away.

"Tell me what happened," he says seriously and I take a deep breath.

"I had a nightmare. About...Robbie," I sniffle and he takes a moment to close his eyes in anguish.

"That prick. Don't worry, he can't do anything to you. If Jimin or I saw him again, he would regret ever doing that to you," He says placing his hand over mine in my lap.

"We did see him..when Jimin got suspended," I say in a quiet voice.

"What? He really dared to come back here," Jungkook scoffed as he narrowed his eyes.

"I just can't forget what he done," I look down into my lap as I gulp, trying to keep the tears down.

At that moment, Jungkook gently places his hand on the back of my head and pulls me into his chest. This time, I let it all out and don't hesitate. I feel like a little baby as I'm being slowly rocked back and forth in Jungkook's arms.

Feeling slightly embarrassed, I pulled away a bit from Jungkook. We were friends but I felt bad that he had to look after me like this. As if he sensed what I was thinking he spoke softly, causing me to look up at him.

"Never feel embarrassed in front of me. I don't pity you or think you're a burden, you're just someone who's been through a lot. Seeing you like this makes me like you more," I look at him in surprise.

"You have a tough front, I've seen that. I admire that you have your guard up, but I admire more that you've let it down in front of me," He says and for the first time this evening a smile spreads across my face. I have no idea where that came from but that was the sweetest thing he's ever said to me.

"You don't know how much that means to me. Thanks for everything, you really didn't have to," I say truthfully as we both stand up from the sofa.

"Of course I did. Come here idiot," he laughs and I feel a huge weight leave my chest as he pulls me in for a final hug.

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