confrontations and half apologies

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Running down the steps from the rooftop and putting the password in my phone, I felt someone step in front of me. The last person I wanted to see stood blocking me, her over-drawn lips forming a smirk. Mel's fashion sense never ceased to amaze me ; did she know this was a university and not a club?

"What's up with you? You and Jimin had a little falling out?" she asked sarcastically, and I couldn't help staring at the harsh, thick lines of orange painted across her jawline and cheekbones.

"Instead of looking into my business you should focus on looking in the mirror." Her eyebrows knitted together in confusion. Then thinking I had complimented her, she tucked a stray strand of her blonde hair neatly behind her ear.

"Because clearly you have trouble blending your makeup," I continued, laughing slightly as I went to push past her. For a split second, I saw her mouth open in shock and then I felt myself be spun around.

"What did you just say to me?" She shrieked, getting increasingly angry.

"You heard what I said," I replied as I threw her a sarcastic smile and turned away.

. . . .

It was the next day and I decided to ring Tae back as Eesha had already gone to her morning class.

"Hello?" He picked up after the first few rings.

"Hi, it's me Simran, from the club?" I said nervously, hoping he would remember. I cringed at how that sounded - it was as if I was some hopeless girl that he had sold a dream to at the club and who he never wanted to speak to again.

"I know who you are," he laughed and I found myself involuntarily smiling, "I've tried to ring you a few times.." he carried on and I realised I never called him back last time.

"I'm so sorry! I completely forgot, I've just been so busy," I felt bad as I gave him the most used excuse and he said it's not a problem.

"Did you wanna get a coffee or something?" He says abruptly and I freeze for a second. Why would he want to meet up with me - someone he barely knew?

"Sorry, I can't. Me and Eesha were going to just chill out today, we haven't spent a lot of time together lately," I explain to him, hoping he understands. He said it was okay and we actually had a really good conversation. I never realised how funny he was ; my stomach felt like it had been through an intense workout.

I was in a much better mood after coming off the call with Tae, and I placed my phone on the dresser as I went to the kitchen to grab a snack before meeting Eesha.

Gathering my things in my bag, I made my way down to Eesha's Psychology class. I spotted her and Jungkook coming out of the classroom, laughing together. I suddenly remembered last night- I can't believe she didn't tell me. Time to confront her about it. Going over to them both, I smiled over at Jungkook.

"Hey, you okay?" He asked with a kind gleam in his eyes.

"Yeah thanks, you?" I said back politely.

"Not bad, we just had the longest lesson ever," He rolled his eyes over dramatically as Eesha looked at him in agreement. Putting my hands in my pockets, I started to frantically pat them. Where was my phone?

"It's gonna be in there," Eesha says looking over to Jungkook, "This always happens."

Realising I left it back at the dorm on the dresser, I figured Eesha would be fine to stay with Jungkook for 5 more minutes. Racing back, as I got closer to the dorm, I got my keys out and turned into the corridor. Not looking where I was going, I bumped straight into what felt like a hard wall. Instinctively, I threw my hands out to push myself away. I looked up to see Jimin, and looked back down to my hands resting over his shirt. I could feel his heart rate picking up and I quickly took my hands away.

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