diagnosing him with bipolar

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I heard the curtains being opened and instantly snuggled deeper into the covers. It had a different smell to it - it was fresh and a bit woodsy. It smelt kind of masculine. I peeped my eyes open as I saw a man looking out of the window - Jimin to be exact. Wait why was he here? He had no shirt on and the view of his toned back made me stop breathing. He wore grey sweatpants and one hand was in his pocket while the other lifted and ran through his fluffy hair. I looked carefully and I could see scratches that Robbie left last night and I immediately felt guilty.

I took a moment to look around the room and noticed this was not my room. I was so mesmerized by Jimin that I didn't realise this unfamiliar place. Wait, he didn't sleep...in here...with me! I shot up and sat in the bed, causing him to turn around to me. I had to stay really focused not to look down and keep eye contact with him.

"You're finally up," He said nonchalantly.

"Did you, I mean did we, sleep together? Not as in that kind of sleep together, I just mean in the same bed, not anything like -"

"Simran, it's fine I slept on the sofa," He interrupted me. I sighed in relief and fell back onto the pillow.

"Why, are you disappointed?" He laughs lightly as he comes closer, still without a shirt on. I turn my back to him, facing the wall, trying to control my rapidly increasing heart rate. I feel him place something on the bed and then closes the door behind him.

I turn around and see that he's left his t shirt and some black joggers. Unable to stop myself, I grin as I lean over the bed and grab the clothes. I pad over to his en suite and see a towel lying on the sink. When did he become so thoughtful and caring? He probably just feels bad for me, from what happened last night. Either way, his kindness was making me feel things towards him. Things that I didn't want to own up to. I took off my clothes from the night before and hopped into the shower. It felt weird being in his shower but I tried not to overthink it as I lathered his shampoo into my hair. I smiled as I got a flashback from the day that I saw him at the train station. I had wondered what products he used to make his hair so shiny and healthy. Never did I think I would use the exact ones.

After wrapping myself in the towel, I heard my phone ringing from the other room. I must have left it in the bed. What if it was Eesha and she didn't know where I was? I quickly unlocked the door, my hair dripping onto the floor and went to go to the bed when Jimin burst in. I felt like a deer caught in headlights as I froze on the spot, staring at him. He was looking straight back at me, and then his gaze drifted down, his hand still on the door handle. Shit, I was in my towel! Not bothering about my phone, I spun around and darted back into the bathroom, slamming the door and leaning on it for support. He had the audacity to stare at me!

I got changed into his joggers and t shirt and looked at myself in his mirror. The t shirt was way too big and looked like a dress on me. I left my hair to dry naturally as I came out of the bathroom, feeling much calmer now. I went to check my phone and saw a text message from Eesha. Then I spotted the missed call from Tae. Gasping, I realised that was who called me. Did Jimin see my phone? I have no idea if he checked because I had run straight into the bathroom!

After I texted Eesha back, I opened the door slightly and peeked out into the hallway. I couldn't face Jimin after earlier. But I did need to thank him. Gathering my courage, I took a deep breath and walked into the front room. He was laying on the sofa, his pillow propped up and the blanket half covering his stomach. I pried my eyes away from the abs on show and stood in front of him. He looked me up and down and a faint smile appeared.

"You look good in my clothes," He said plainly. This Jimin was starting to stress me out. I couldn't give a sarcastic or rude comeback, he was actually complimenting me. I remembered why I came to him in the first place.

"Thank you, I don't even want to think about how I must have been yesterday. Thanks for looking after me," I said, looking down and fiddling with the hem of his top. I don't know why but I couldn't look him in the eye while thanking him.

"Don't worry about it, you helped me aswell," I look up at him in confusion and he points to his lip, which was steadily healing. I nod in understanding and decide to sit on the other sofa.

I go onto Instagram and scroll through the memes, all the while feeling him watching me. Eesha told me to wait there as her and Jungkook were coming back from the library anyways. I stand up, saying that I'm going to get a drink. I walked into the kitchen and looked around for the glasses. Well that's a great start. I finally see them on the top shelf of the cupboard. Who on earth put them all the way up there? I got on my tiptoes, my arms hurting from stretching.

Suddenly I see a hand go in front of me and grab a glass. I turn to look at Jimin, who's looking down at me, laughter in his eyes. He's so close if I were to take a step back I would collide with his chest. His bare chest I might add. I take the glass from his hand and thank him, waiting for him to step away. But he doesn't. Instead he wraps a piece of my hair around his finger, looking at it.

"Why does it go curly?" He asks randomly. I have to stop myself from laughing, he sounds like a little kid.

"I don't know, Jimin," I reply, still trapped between him and the counter.

"Don't say my name," he says bluntly, and I turn to face him in confusion. Instead he takes the glass back from my hand and places it on the shelf, but he doesn't do it properly and it loses its balance, smashing on the counter, the shards of glass flying everywhere.

"I needed that," I say sharply.

"You can get another one yourself. How many times do I have to make your life easier for you?" He says and his words slightly wound me. I never asked for him to do things for me. Is that what I am to him, a burden? I look down as I feel the tears sting at my eyes. I look down at my hand and see I'm bleeding, a tiny piece of glass had pierced through my skin. I feel the cold air as he's left from behind me and gone back to the sofa. Both his words and my cut cause my tears to flow down and I stand in the kitchen for a few minutes, silently crying.

I don't even look at him as I walk through the front room, hiding my hand from him. I put my shoes on and leave, making sure to slam the door behind me. Just when I think we're getting somewhere, he reminds me of the real him again.

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