The Start

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I looked up to see my friends Kiki Zinc and Sallie Hero running towards me. Not wanting to let them see my tears, I wiped my eyes with my sleeve. Too late.

"What's the matter?" Red-blonde haired Sallie asked, sympathetic.

"Did your parents fight again?" Brown haired Kiki added.

I closed my eyes.

"What do you think? Of course they did, but only this time it is even more violent."

Silence greeted my harsh words. I expected no reply as I looked back to the lake.

"Even if my mum and dad made up, I won't feel the same again. Not since I found out that I'm part you-know-what." I continued. "And that I have the same curse with my mum."

"Jade, don't beat yourself up on that again! Sooner or later Snape would find that out." Sallie pointed out. "Besides, he is your dad."

I shot her a glare.

"But he wouldn't know my thoughts, my feelings, as long as he won't mind-read me. No one knows that but you two." I retorted.

"Don't be that moody." Kiki tartly replied. "What matters is that your depression over this is getting out of hand! At one point everyone will know. You have to tell Snape . . . or tell another teacher if that is upsetting for you."

I sighed.

"Might as well." I lied. "I'll tell someone."

But really, I have no intention of doing so. I only wanted my two friends to leave that topic alone. Yet what I said about Snape reading my mind when he wants is true. I can only be thankful that I'm a Ravenclaw, not a Slytherin.

"Let's go back inside." I told Sallie and Kiki. "I'm looking forward in doing my homework."

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