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Kiki and Sallie confronted me right before dinner, wanting to know how my date with Draco went.

"What did the two of you do?"

I hesitated, unwanted to tell them that Draco had kissed me. But I can tell that Sallie and Kiki would know sooner or later.

"Before we could do anything,  Draco kissed me." I blushed.

Sallie let out a whoop of joy.

"HA! Finally!" Kiki grinned. "How does it feel?"

I looked at my hands, my face burning.

"It felt . . . magical. I don't know how to explain it." I admitted. "Really, Draco had grabbed me and kissed me without me knowing that it is coming."

"Oh, come on! First kisses are supposed to feel magical. Sounds like Draco couldn't wait another minute to make a move on you." Sallie said.

I felt a lump in my thought, feeling unable to say anything. I couldn't tell my friends what Draco had told me, or what I told Draco. That should remain a secret.

Together, we walked into the Great Hall. Almost at once, Draco's Slytherin gang smiled up at me, which was unusual. Pansy Parkinson, however, scowled at me. I know that she has a crush on Draco, and now she's jealous.

I paid no attention as I walked past the Slytherin table with Kiki and Sallie, but I did looked at Draco from the corner of my eye.


 Soon the whole school was gossiping about Draco and me are dating for two days. Monday morning, almost every girl went up to me and asked how I think of Draco. In Defense Against the Dark Arts, students were insisting that I should practice with Draco. Each time when Draco and I met in the hallways, I always have to look away.

Somehow I knew that I could never escape from Draco now since that surprise kiss.

During lunch, I was in the library doing my homework. I reached into my bag to get a quill and instead I felt a folded up piece of parchment. Curious, I took it out. On it was the words To Jade in Draco's handwriting. I let out a sigh as I unfolded his note to read it.

Jade, if you can, would you meet me in the prefect bathroom on the third floor tonight. I want to explain everything when I see you. -D.

I frowned. Never had he wrote me a note like this before. Yet again, my curiosity gets the best of me. I knew that I have to meet him to see what he needs to say to me. I would have to get all of my homework out of the way so I won't have detention.

Draco, I just hope that you know the consequences if we get caught, I prayed in my mind.

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