The Ways of a Siren

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Nighttime fell. I was in the lake, my green-and-blue mermaid tail flicked against the rocks. Mikkio, my siren instructor, swam in circles around me, going on about the ways of a siren. How sirens sang their beautiful voices to lure sailors into their deaths. How sirens are often feared among land-walkers.

Apparently, Mikkio and my mother were best friends before my mom met Snape. I found this out because Mikkio won't stop talking about Sapphire.

I flicked my tail as hard as I could, propelling myself foreword faster. My heart is racing out of control. I can feel the rush through my veins. Being half-siren and being a pure-blood witch can be fun if you knew how to use it in secret.

Mikkio flicked her black and silver tail not to far behind.

"Don't forget that you can also glide without even moving your arms." she advised.

I tried doing so, and it turned out that Mikkio is right.

"Can I ask you something?"

"What's on your mind?"

"What's my mother like when she's a siren?"

"She is quick-witted, intelligent siren. Your mother knew how to take over the minds of both land-dwellers and sirens alike."

I can see it now: my mother perched on the rocks, her sweet, innocent voice filling the air. Mikkio knew how to describe other sirens no matter what their personality is.

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