Nightmares and Cuddles

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There is fluff in this! Well family fluff actually, so enjoy!!

Damian Wayne age 11

Tim Drake age 13

Jason Todd age 15

Dick Grayson age 17

Bruce Wayne age 29

Damian's POV

Tonight it was quiet, during patrol there wasn't any crimes really so me, my 'adoptive' brothers and Father went back to Wayne Manor to get to sleep.

Everyone was sleeping, I knew because I heard snoring.

I went and got settled in my bed, then closed my eyes and let dreams conquer my mind.


I was on mission with Nightwing. Everything was going perfectly. We were stopping criminals and saving the citizens of Gotham. Things were going great!

But then there was a gun shot. I turned and saw that Grayson was shot in the head. He fell forward and I raced to him. I screamed for help and tried to stop the bleeding.

His blood was on my hands. But he then got up and stood, his head held up high, but his eyes were glowing red of anger. 

"This is all your fault, demon spawn!" he yelled "You did this to me! You killed me, I guess it was true, you really are nothing but a killer, a assassin, a monster!"

"Dick, wha-what are you talking about?" I asked. He had never said those things to me.Then he vanished. Batman, Red Hood, and Red Robin came."You killed him, you killed us all!" they yelled at me. 

"No! No I didn't. I swear it!" I tried to reason with them but it seemed as if they didn't hear me.

The next thing that I knew, I was chained. Father, Todd, Drake, and Grayson were standing in front of me. They were glaring and sneering. I then saw Mother she had the same face expression as them.

"You are nothing! You are nothing than a pathetic, weak, and horrid son. You should've died." Mother told me. Then I got slashed on my back, just as I was slashed when I was with the League of Assassins. But it was Father and my so called brothers who did it.

Then my pets came in, limping. They looked like they were dying. Jerry the turkey was clucking in pain, Alfred the cat was meowing, Titus was barking angrily and then Bat cow was mooing. 

"Please stop! Stop it!" I begged. Mother turned to me with a look of disgust "Begging Damian! I thought I taught you better than this, guess I was wrong"

Then a sword was pushed through my chest, it was Grayson.

"This is to red the world of your evil, demon. Have a fun time in Hell!" Grayson and everyone else laughed and I was crying.

I woke up and screamed "NO!". As soon as I realized my mistake I put my hands over my mouth to muffle my cries. It didn't help at all.

I tried to calm myself down, but nothing worked. Then footsteps were coming to my door. There was a knock.

"Hey, Dami. It's me, Dick. And Bruce, Jason, and Tim. Can we come in?" he asked softly.

I didn't answer, but instead went back into the bed, put the covers over my head and tried to look as if I were asleep because I knew that they would come in even if I said no. I couldn't stop shaking though, even my hands were still over my mouth.

The door opened and footsteps were walking towards me. I felt them sit on the bed and a hand go on my shoulder, I knew it was a mistake but I flinched and they noticed.

"Hey, Dami, can you look at us? We know your awake" Grayson said softly. I sat up, but didn't look at them. That is until they moved my head so that I could be facing them.

I let out a sniffle, but then immediately but my hands back over my mouth and now my nose. "Hey, little D. Did you have a nightmare?" asked Drake. I didn't do anything but they could tell it was true. And in about 2 minutes, Father and Grayson were on my left and right side. Todd was on Grayson's side and Todd was on Father's side. They had me stuff in a prison.

But I felt oddly safe. I didn't like it so I went stiff. Grayson chuckled "It's called cuddling, Dami. It's normal to feel safe and comfortable"

"It feels like a death trap" I deadpanned and that caused everyone to laugh. Todd ended up falling off the bed, which caused then to laugh even more. Hell, even I had to laugh at that.

We stayed in that position for a while. Drake ended up talking, breaking the comfortable silence "Y'know, I was having a nightmare too. There not fun but it's how are minds work, m'kay, Baby Bird. So there's nothing to be ashamed of, even if you wake up with tears in your eyes."

"If your implying that I was crying than you are wrong. Crying is for the weak" I said, remembering what happened that one time that I cried. I was beat for hours because of that.

They all sighed "Damian, crying is not weak. Everyone needs to let it out every once in awhile." Father told me.

"Not me"

"Yes you do"



"ugh fine" I just gave up on arguing. Todd, Grayson, and Drake were snickering. 

"Now let's go back to sleep. Mmm tired" Grayson said and everyone started to drift off to sleep. So maybe crying wasn't so bad I guess. It was still a weak thing to do but hey who cares.

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