Secret Relationship pt.1

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This is a Damijon one-shot

Damian Wayne age 15

Jonathan a.k.a Jon Kent age 16

Tim Drake age 17

Jason Todd age 18

Dick Grayson age 18

Tonight was the night of a gala, it was being held by Bruce Wayne. The gala was for an other child's charity case, it was to help raise money for children with disorders.Everyone was looking forward to it even Jason. Probably because Barbra was gonna be there.

But Damian was not. He had to wear a suit and interact with people. (Pic above is Dami's suit) The two things that the youngest Prince of Gotham hated the most.

"Come on little D, it's not that bad." Dick Grayson, the only brother that Damian could stand said. 

"Tt, sure" Damian replied while rolling his eyes. He started to go grab a drink of water when he saw a boy with blue eyes and black hair. He was Jonathan Kent or Superboy. Damian went to patrol with his when it was their day to. And secretly, the youngest Robin was starting to get feelings for the boy of steel. 

"Hey Dami!" Jon said. He was in a suit and had a smile plastered on his face. "Jon" Damian told his in return.

"Wanna dance?" the blue eyed boy asked the jade green eyed boy. "Tt no, not really. But we can go outside". Jon nodded happily. The two boys walked outside and luckily there was no one else there. 

Jonathan looked nervous about something as the two looked up to see the stars in the sky. After about a few minutes Jon gathered up the courage to speak  "Damian, can we talk about something." Damian looked at him. "Sure what is it?" he asked. 

The boy of Steel cleared his throat, he had started to fidget with his fingers. Damian looked at him with curiosity and annoyance. "Imayhaveacrushonyoubutit'sokayifyoudon't" Jonathan said quickly but the son of Batman understood it all. He was frozen, his eyes wide.

"-tt- wait what? Y-you have a c-crush on me?" Damian stuttered, which surprised the blue eyes boy because everyone knows that Damian Wayne does not stutter. But nonetheless, Jon nodded while biting his lip. He was looking at his feet and blushing.

But Jon didn't expect what was going tot happen next.

Damian lifted Jon's head, so that he was looking at him. Then the jade eyed boy did what the boy of steel didn't expect. He kissed him.

After recovering from his shock, Jon kissed back. They then broke apart and the blue eyed son of Superman smiled at Damian. Who had surprisingly smiled back.

"Damian Wayne, would you do the pleasures of being my boyfriend?" asked Jon. Damian chuckled. "Your so cheesy. But...of course I will" Then Jon ended up breaking into a big grin. His blue eyes ended up lighting up. "Could we keep us a secret?" The son of the Bat asked. 

And Jon being Jon nodded and they soon returned to the party. Both hiding a secret from their family and friends.

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