Tell us ..

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Here goes everything ..

And I would love it if you guys followed little ol' me.

Okay bye


Once I got into the house I put my lovely jean jacket on the coat rack, and headed upstairs to start on my homework. I barely got into my room before I heard my over excited sister my name.

"What Nina?" I peek my head into her door which is right a cross from mine.

"Who was he?" She's insane, and I think I saw her eye twitch. "Tell me tell me tell me." She started jumping up and down acting like a three year old.

"I may or may not have found my mate, but why does that concern you?"I throw a question back at her.

"Do you like living Rose? Hmm, I suggest you answer my question right now or you can kiss your precious life goodbye." She was now in my face with that left eye twitching like it always does when she's anxious.

"Ugh fine, since you wanna know so badly. I found my mate today, he's name is Drake and he tried to steal my jack-" I was shortly cut off by my father rudely but quite quickly walks into the room.

"Did I just hear that someone found there mate?" I have no idea why he asked he already knows I'm the one that found my mate. "Was it you Rosie." My father asked as he squeezes my cheeks.

He's been doing that to me since I was like five. It's gotta stop.

"Dad please stop with the cheek squeezing please, and yes I found my mate." He looked a little sad but quickly replaced it.

"Who is he? I'll make sure he never lays a hand on my Princess." He looked pretty determined, I kind of felt back about the next thing I was gonna say.

"Dad, he's an alpha. You literally have no chance." I had this apologetic smile on my face.

"An alpha?" To say my father looked terrified was an understatement. He looked like he could pass out at any minute. "Alpha, as in.. 'Alpha Drake'.." he paused waiting for my response.

All I do is nod.

"Well we have to have him over for dinner sometime. Actually lets do it tonight. We got nothing better to do right, Nina?" He looked toward my sister to see her jaw dropped and her eyes wide.

"OMG, your dating an ALPHA !" I wasn't quick enough to cover my ears. Darn my reflexes. "Have you guys kissed yet?" Why does she care?

I really wanted to leave this room. "Okay dad, I'll call him to see if he can make it." I slowly started backing out of the room. Well until I heard my sister yell, "YOU HAVE HIS NUMBER." I quickly turned around and bolted into my room. Once my door was closed and secure, I walked over to my closet and took a short shower. After my lovely short shower I put on a pair of plaid PJ's and hoped on my bed. I was about to start on my homework when I remembered that I needed to call Drake.

I grabbed my phone of the side table beside my bed and searched for his number in my contacts. I went to the D's to look for his name. But I could not find him., then all of a sudden my instincts told me to check the B's. That's when I saw it. He's number was saved under 'Baby', that's actually pretty funny because I saved my number in his phone as 'Bae'.

I could hear my sister and my dad chanting 'TELL US' outside my room. What am I gonna do with them?

I sat there for about five minutes before I decided to text him already.


To: Baby From: Bae

Hey Drake. Um my dad was wondering if you and your family would like to come to our house for dinner tonight. If you say no, we completely understand. You are an alpha you have better things to do than to sit and eat dinner with my family lol.

7:30 pm , October 15, 2014


To: Bae From: Baby

Nothing is better than sitting at Dinner with you, minus the family. We'll be there around 8, is that fine 'Bae". lol

7:32 pm , October 15, 2014


To: Baby From: Bae

Okay! See you than 'Baby'. ;) xo

7:38 pm , October 15, 2014


Drake's POV

After I finished texting that adorable little mate of mine. I quickly shifted into my wolf and ran home. Once I got to that end of the woods I hid behind a tree and shifted. After I had all my clothes on, I walked inside.

"Son, how are you?" Said my very interesting father.

"I'm fine. But listen we were in invited to dinner by my mate." When I said mate, my dads neck literally broke. I heard a loud crack, and my dad held onto his neck while he still stared at me.

"Uh dad, it your neck okay?" I was really concerned about his neck. He knows he's getting old.

"My neck is fine. But did Mr. I don't want my mate just say he found his mate.

"Yes dad, and we literally have ten minutes to get dressed so lets go." He gave me a quick eye roll before heading upstairs. I quickly mind linked my mom telling her to get dressed so we can be out the door in about eight minutes..









Once the clock tricks 7:54, I already knew we were gonna be late.

"Sooo son, What does this mate of yours look like?" He had a curious smirk on his face.

"Father, there's literally no time for silly question. Put the pedal to the medal!" I really want to see Rose.

"Come on son.. TELL US.. TELL US.. TELL US. Come on honey join me." Next thing I know both of my parents are chanting.


Ugh.. Something told me I should have came alone.

I would do anything to get out of this care right now.

I was super excited when I saw her house come into view.

"There it is. Sixth house on the right." I can't wait to hold her in my arms. Smell her lovely scent, I really miss her.

I quickly unbuckle my seat belt, then ran up to her door her door with my parents right behind me.

I rang the door bell then waited. It took about five seconds before the door slowly opened, and I loved what I saw.


Here it is.

Should I make my next chapter private. I don't have enough followers and it sucks. So I'm just gonna do what I do.. yeah.. okay.. bye. >:)

;) money_muncherxo ;)

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