His parents ..

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Sorry it took me so long to update.

This chapter is dedicated to @bohofangirl

I hope you guys like it .

Not edited .


Once I finished dressing, I ran out to the opening. I saw Drake looking up at the sky in deep thought.

"What are you thinking about?" I snaked my arms around his waist.

"A lot of things." He turned around and looked in my eyes.

I wish I had the power to read minds, that would be so helpful at this moment.

"Like what?" I was curious to know what's on his mind.

"You wanna get inside my parents might be here any minute."

He was obviously trying to change the subject. He did a pretty good job because the word "parents" caught my attention.

"Your .. P-parents?"

Oh no. What if they don't like me, what if they believe I won't be a good Luna. What if-

"Babe, they will love you."

Wait, did he hear all that.

"How could you be so sure. You are their only son." I could feel my nails digging into my skin. I didn't even know I balled up my fist.

"I know these things. Lets get inside." He intertwined our hands and led me inside the pack house.

My heart stopped as soon as we walked into the door. His parents stood there staring back at me.

Oh boy.





"Hey sweetie. I'm Drakes mother Maria Danielson, and this is my husband John Danielson." She gave me a very kind smile, I was so nervous all I can do was smile back.

"She's alittle nervous." Drake notified his parents.

"I-it's very nice t-to meet you Mr. and Mrs. Danielson." She leaned into Drake while the both looked at his parents.

"Aww, honey did you hear what she called us? Rose, please call us Maria and John." Maria walked over giving Rose a loving hug.

"How do you know my name." I didn't even get a chance to introduce myself.

"Drake, can't stop talking about you. Even since he found you, he's been talking about you none stop."

"Mooooooom." He cheeks turned red quickly.

"Well I would love to stay and chit chat but I have a meeting to get to." John said quicly hugging Rose, kissing his wife and nodding at his son.

"Should I make dinner. I know how much Drake loves my Spagett."

Drake and Rose shared a look before Rose spoke up.

"Uh yes. I would love to try you spagetti. I'm pretty sure I'll love it." Rose smiled sweetly at Maria.

"Okay. You two love birds go out and have quality time. I'm gonna start cooking."

Drake didn't need to be told twice. He scooped Rose up in his arms and headed out of the house.





"It wasn't that bad." They were now sitting in a cute diner.

"I was shaking like a chihuahua. It was so nervous."

Drake laughed quietly and grabbed my hand across the table.

"They love you. You felt the way my mom hugged you. My DAD hugged you, and he hugs no one."

I let out an adorable giggle. "Really? So.. he doesn't hate me?"

"Rose, why would he hate you? He barely knows you." He squeezed her hand lightly. "But I think my mom really likes you."

"That's good. So are we just gonna sit here and talk. Or are we gonna order some food?"

"Well, I would usually say. Order what you like... But my mom is making dinner at home so it would be ridiculous to eat at this diner."

That kind of made sense.

"We should leave, because we're basically holding up a table." I looked around and notice all the other tables were full and about three people were standing at the door.

"Yeah, we should go." He stood up, holding his hand out for me.

"Thanks babe." Once we got outside, we started walking through the woods.

Our little stroll through the woods was silent. We held hands and walked side by side. My wonderful thought were interrupted by my body being pushed against a tree.

"Did I fail to mention how beautiful you are?" His face was inches from mine.

"Yes, you have actually." I decided I wanted to play along.

"You are the mostly sexiest creature on this earth." His face getting a little closer.

"Well, I try." I popped my collar with my right and and put my left hand on my hip.

Just then I saw a twinkle of love flash in his eyes.

"Wow, I really want to kiss you right now." He's looked up at the sky, probably calming his wolf.

"What's stopping you?" I actually wanted to kiss him too.

He looked down, searching my eyes for something. But was failing to find it.

Seconds later his lips were on mine, and we were sharing a passionate kiss.

I don't think I will ever get used to these kisses.


Heellllooo . It's been a while .

But can you guys do me this huge favor and check out the story below.

It's not completed but it's so good, it'll leave you wanted more.

"Everything Changed"

By happy nothings

;) money_muncherxo ;)

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