First Date

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"Where exactly are we going again? I didn't really listen earlier." Riku asked Sora, folding his arms behind his head.

Sora felt a warm flush rising up his face. "Riku!", his voice seemed to crack a little, "I told you we were going to little chef's new bistro in Twilight Town!"

"Why exactly do you call him little chef?"

"You really didn't listen Riku, did you?"

Riku smirked. "Well," he sighed, "I just wanted you to take me on this date. I suppose that's everything I wanted to hear from you."

It felt like all the warmth that was stored in his body rose up into Sora's cheeks.

"Date?!" Sora could only imagine how red his face must be right now. He hastily tried to explain himself. "I never asked you on a date, I just wanted to show you the food that lit-"

Riku laughed at Sora trying to excuse himself.

"What's so funny now?!" Sora seemingly wanted to come off as angry but... he really didn't, which only made Riku laugh once more.

"Are you done now?" he felt a little ashamed as he faced away from Riku.

Riku was able to contain his laughter to a small giggle as he put his hand on Sora's shoulder. "Are you upset now or something? It was just a joke, Sora."

Sora kept his silence, as well as his red face until they arrived at the plaza of Twilight Town. A lit up sign read "Le Grand Bistro".

"Is this it?" Riku looked back at Sora.

"Yup." Sora smiled again, his resentment seemingly gone, painting the red colour onto his face again.

"I just can't get my mind around how you work, Sora." Riku whispered to himself as Sora walked towards the entrance of the bistro.

"Did you say something?" Sora turned around, his eyes scanning the area for Riku for just a second. "Come on now, Riku!" with a wave he signaled him to come closer.

On the menu sat a rat with a tiny toque on his head. "So that's why you call him little chef, huh?" Riku smiled at Sora and then bent down towards the rat.

"Who are you little guy?" he asked. "His name's Remy and he is the best cook around!" Sora said proudly.

The rat reacted in a way, almost as if he was flustered by that compliment.

"Do you have a table for two, Remy?" when Sora realised what Riku had just asked he could feel the blood streaming to his face again.

Remy nodded and showed the two the number of their table by counting with his tiny fingers.

Thanking the rat, the two went in and could immediately smell the food. The restaurant was crowded and suddenly Riku reached for Sora's hand. Sora looked at Riku confused but he kept walking straight ahead, zigzagging through the tables, dragging Sora with him.

"This seems to be our table. Number 14." Riku pointed to the table, not realising he was still holding Sora's hand.

"Uhmm... Riku," Sora looked at his feet "you're still kind of... holding my hand.". Riku could feel his face lighting up and he immediately faced away from Sora.

"Yeah, sorry about that." He slowly let go of it but then suddenly felt a stealthy grip on his wrist. He looked down at his hand, Sora holding onto it, then looked back up at Sora.

"It's okay, I probably would've gotten lost in here so... thank you."

"So, uhm, shall we sit down now?" Riku asked, distracting from them still holding hands and standing awkwardly in the middle of a restaurant.

Sora nodded and they both sat down at the table, facing each other, each of them now realising that the other was blushing.

"So uhm," Sora started hesitantly "I think you were right about... earlier.".

"What do you mean, exactly?"

"What you said earlier about me asking you on... a date." He tried to avoid Riku's eyes.

"Uh huh." Riku leaned forward, intrigued, smirking at Sora.

"You were right, I really just... wanted to ask you on a date, I suppose?"

"Oh, I know"


"Sora, that was way too obvious" he gave him a warm smile and their eyes finally met. Riku reached for his hand across the table.

"Do you want to share a meal?"

"I would really like that, Riku."

And so, Sora continued looking like a lit up tomato that night.


(Art credit to owlforkh on tumblr.)

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