Disneyland pt. 2

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requested by soryarhen. Continuation of chapter 2.

Sora and Riku made their way back to Fantasyland where they were supposed to meet with Kairi and Lea. As they walked around the Spinning Teacups, Sora could see Lea leaning against the front wall of the Princess Pavilion while Kairi was talking to someone in a big blze dress.

"Look, Riku!" he grabbed his arm hastily, "There they are, let's go."

Sora fastened up his pace, dragging Riku along with him.

As they got to the Pavilon Sora made out the person in the blue dress to be Cinderella. Kairi couldn't bother to say hi to either of them as she was lost in a conversation with the princess.

"Hey Kairi." Sora stood next to her now also adoring the beautiful princess.

Riku made his way to Lea, leaving Sora and Kairi annoying the entertainer.

"What's going on?"

"Oh, Kairi's just keeping this woman from her break by asking oblivious questions." he got closer to Riku to whisper into his ear, "I'm sure she thinks her to be real."

Riku giggled and looked at Lea who let out a wide smile.

"Yeah, I have the impression Sora does, too."

"Sorry sweethearts, but I do really have to go now." Cinderella smiled and twirled around, leaving through a gigantic door.

"Wow, wasn't she just beautiful?" Kairi said in amazement.

"I know." Sora nodded in agreement.

Riku and Lea looked at each other and smiled trying to keep themselves from laughing.

"Anyways." Riku took a step towards the two and glanced at Sora, "You wanted to show Kairi and Lea something didn't you?"

Sora nodded and blushed.

"Is there a shop nearby?" he asked

"We're at Disney, Sora. There's literally a shop every two meters." Lea said, standing up straight again.

"Alright then, let's get going!" he smiled at Kairi and his face turned red as his eyes met Riku's.

Sora and Kairi ran into the store, leaving Riku and Lea confused. After a few minutes they exited the store, Kairi carrying a small bag.

"What did you get?" Riku asked.

Sora opened the bag and pulled out two pairs of Mickey Mouse ear headbands and so did Kairi. Sora approached Riku with the headband, ready to put it on his head.

"Uhm... can you-" he stopped as their eyes met, "get down... a little?"

"Sure." he bent down to Sora's eye level.

Sora put one pair of ears on Riku's head and the other on his own.

"They look so cute!" Sora laughed as Riku got up to his regular height again.

Meanwhile, Kairi was trying to do the same with Lea, with no success as he didn't want to scooch down for her. The girl then tried it by jumping up and down but Lea dodged the headband every time it got close.

"I'm not wearing that ridiculous thing."

"Fine." Kairi stopped and frowned "But I'm wearing mine."

Riku giggled and reached for Sora's hand.

"Thanks." he gave him a kiss on the forehead.

Suddenly, Riku was dragged across Fantasy Land.

"Sora, what are you doing?" he said with a slight tone of panic in his voice.

No answer as Sora pulled him through the inside of the castle and down to the bridge in front of it.

"So," he exclaimed as he finally got to a stop and let go of Riku's hand "stay there, don't move."

Sora took roughly five steps backwards, not moving his sight off of Riku.

"Sora, what-"

Not saying another word, Sora started sprinting and then jumped onto Riku, wrapping his legs around his waist and flinging his arms around his neck. Riku was barely able to catch him right in time.

"You know this could've ended ba-"

His lips were shut by Sora pressing his own on them. Like every cliche couple ever, they stood there, kissing in front of the Disneyland castle.

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