Star Refuses (Again)

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SkeppyMCPro: I dare Star to say the moon is made of cheese OR The sun is a planet!

Star: M-m!

Alika: She taped her mouth shut.

Lunar: *Is triggered at SkeppyMCPro*

Solar: *Is also triggered* If this keeps up, I don't know what Star is going to do.

Image: When I made Star, I didn't give her much of a temper at all! But this seems to set her off right away!

R.D.O: That's a lot of talking, considering you're the one doing it.

Image: Two sentences. Really?

R.D.O: *Shrugs and walks away*

Alika: I'll get the needle and thread.

Tyler: We don't have thread... or a needle.

Alika: I'm sure R.D.O. has some spare guitar strings that we can 'borrow'.

Tyler: And the needle? Why do you need this stuff anyways? You hate sewing...

Alika: I brought some metal scraps along with me. I'll just make a needle out of those.

Tyler: You hate sewing!

Alika: Yeah, except this time I'n sewing Star's mouth shut. It'll benefit her too, if SkeppyMCPro keeps this up.

SkeppyMCPro: I dare Negative to say the most positive thing she can think of!

Negative: Everything's gonna be great! We're all going to be okay, and nothing's going to go wrong today. *Is clearly being sarcastic*

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