Chapter 3: The Call

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It took several days of surfing the web using the building's wi-fi to apply to all the available jobs in the area. From janitorial duties to washing dishes, she didn't care what the job was. She needed to work and that was what she was going to do. As much as she didn't want to be cleaning toilets, or changing motel bed sheets, her other options were flipping burgers and walking dogs.

One day after she stopped applying to jobs, she went grocery shopping like Rick had suggested. The first few days in the apartment were spent living off of beef jerky, so she finally caved and bought some bread, eggs, cereal, milk, and even some canned food, along with rice and noodles. Everything she purchased was on sale, or super cheap. She had no idea how long the food would last, so she only bought as much as she could fit in her backpack.

As she laid on her bare mattress and pillow, she stared up at the ceiling wondering what life would have in store for her. It was the beginning of the summer and so she had lots of warm weather to look forward to.

That night after dinner Shayna opened up her laptop and checked her emails. She had one response from the security job she had applied for. There was no way she was qualified for it, but she opened it anyway and read it:


Thank you for applying for the position of night security guard at Black Jack's Fun & Entertainment Center. If you are interested in the job, please call me to discuss your start date.


Shayna looked at the bottom of the email to find Silvester's contact information. She wrote down the number on the palm of her hand with a pen and then went downstairs to call him immediately from the phone in the lobby.


"Hi, Silvester?"

"Yes, is this Shayna?" He responded.

"It is," she replied. "I'm calling about the job."

"Of course you are! Can you start tomorrow night?"

"Uh... yeah. I can start tomorrow."

"Great, I will meet you at the main gate and walk you in. Your shift will be from dusk until dawn. Don't be late!"

Before she even got a chance to acknowledge his instructions, he had hung up the phone, leaving her with dead air.

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