Chapter 5: Not A Dream

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When Silvester showed up at three minutes after five, Shayna kept their conversation to a minimum. She didn't want him to know what she had seen in case he were to fire her.

As she waited for the taxi to arrive, she stared at the pavement while Silvester stood next to her.

"Are you sure there isn't something bothering you?" He inquired. "You have been overly quiet since I showed up this morning."

"I normally am quiet," she responded, turning her head slightly toward him.

"Very well then," Silvester accepted. "Will I see you tomorrow night?"

Shayna nodded. "I'll be here," she confirmed as the taxi pulled up to the gate.

Silvester didn't say a word as she walked over to the awaiting vehicle with her work shirt in hand. She didn't say anything to him either as she got in and closed the door. As the taxi pulled away she looked straight ahead and stared at the back of the passenger seat.

Despite not having sheets on her bed in the apartment, Shayna managed to fall asleep immediately. She dreamed of Wildcard getting lose again and her chasing him throughout the complex. It was like a game of hide and seek that children would play.

She woke up ten hours later, the sun still up, but the sky turning a burnt orange. Her next shift would be starting in a little over three hours so she rolled out of bed and went to the washroom.

After eating some cereal she went for a shower and then changed into a pair of black jeans and her work shirt. Staring into the mirror all she could see was her face, the white lettering on the t-shirt not visible because she was so short.

Later that night she showed up at Black Jack's by taxi again. Silvester was waiting for her by the gate this time.

"Good evening, Shayna," he greeted.

"Hi Silvester."

"Shall we?" Holding out his arm like the first night she forced herself to take it so he wouldn't know something was up.

Remaining quiet, she let him lead her inside and to the office before leaving like before. She watched the monitor as he locked the gate and then drove away slowly.

Shayna sighed as she slouched in the worn out office chair. It wasn't that she didn't want to come into work, she was tormented by the thought of Wildcard being just a dream.

The urge to check the padlocked door came and went as she watched the security monitors for several minutes. It was as if they were on a loop because they never changed.

"Shayna," called out a raspy familiar voice from the sliding window in the wall.

She jumped in her chair as she gripped the armrests.

Furling her brow in anger, she scolded the animatronic. "Don't do that!"

Wildcard tilted his head down as if ashamed.

"I'm sorry. I'm not good at these human interactions."

"Yeah, I can tell. What are you doing out again anyway?"

"I wanted to stretch my legs."

"You're a robot," she pointed out.

"So?" Shayna had no desire to argue with him so she remained quiet. "How about you open the door and come on out?"

She sighed and slowly got to her feet. As she opened the door, she heard the clunking of Wildcard's feet as he stepped closer to greet her.

"That's better."

"Why is this better?" She regretted the question immediately.

Wildcard chuckled. "All the better to see you my dear."

"Are you..." Shayna swallowed the lump in her throat. "Are your quoting Red Riding Hood?"

Chuckling again, Wildcard began to walk away. "You are quite clever for a little girl."

Shayna wasn't sure if she should take offense to his comment.

"Is that what you used to do here?"

The robot stopped and turned its head slightly toward her.

"Yes. Before the accident and we were shut down."

"What accident?"

"The one," snarled Wildcard as he spun around and flashed the metal claws of his right hand. "Where I lost control," he finished as he looked down, examining himself.

Shayna's lips began to tremble as she asked, "What happened?"

Wildcard rose up and looked at her with his glowing red eyes.

"I killed someone. A young boy as his girlfriend watched me rip him to shreds."

"Did you mean to do it?"

"Of course I didn't!" He growled as if able to foam at the mouth. Wildcard calmed down and then divulged, "It was the virus."

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