Chapter 8: Missing Company

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Shayna avoided talking about the virus for the remainder of the date. She got to know Silvester a bit more, asking him about his likes and dislikes; simple things. They parted ways an hour later as she went home to get ready for work.

Silvester was waiting for Shayna as usual that night. He walked her to the office and then left without a word, but he did seem to be in a good mood. As she sat in silence in the office with the adventure book, she wondered when Wildcard would come to the door or window and make her jump.

An hour later, she realized he was no where to be found so she went looking for him. When she got to the padlocked door, she found it locked. She knocked on the door.

"Wildcard?" She called out. "Are you in there?"

Nothing seemed different about the door at first glance. The lock looked the same, as did the door knob. She couldn't figure out why Wildcard wasn't out roaming the halls, or even responding for that matter.

She soon gave up and went back to her office for the remainder of the night.

In the morning she was standing in the doorway of the office as Silvester walked in the front entrance. Keeping her arms folded, she gave him a slightly dirty look.

"Well hello to you too," he greeted sarcastically.

"What did you do?" She asked with a bit of sass.

Silvester chuckled. "What are you talking about?"

"The door. It's still locked."

"As it should be," he stated. "Why would you want it to be open?"

Shayna was staring darts at Silvester and she didn't know why. He had warned her that the animatronic was dangerous.

She sighed and let her arms flop to her sides.

"I'm lonely," she confessed. "He was keeping me company."

Silvester's right eyebrow popped up immediately as his eyes shot to the right down the hall in the direction of the door. He seemed torn by her confession as he bit his bottom lip.

"I didn't do anything to the door," he finally answered. "Maybe he ran out of juice."

"Juice?" She questioned, furling her eyebrows.

"Electricity," Silvester clarified. "It's not like he's plugged into a socket. The on board battery probably died."

"Oh... I never thought about that."

"Don't worry, I'll have a mechanic come in today to take a look."

"Really?" Shayna was in disbelief.

"Yeah," he nodded. "Now go home. You look tired."

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