The call

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Jasmine woke up in the middle of the night, she looked around and noticed Raph sleeping on the floor not far from her while Leo slept on the armchair... But Donnie wasn't around making her look around and then slowly went towards his lab, he was actually reading on people who shut down there emotions and don't show anything until he faintly heard a sob making him turn to see Jas walking slowly down the stairs with tears streaming down her cheeks, he didn't know if he should go over to her or let her come over to him "Jas?" he spoke up making her begin to tremble while walking over.

He meet her halfway, he took hold of her as she slowly cried quietly making him wonder why she was now reacting like this, he sat down with her in his arms... She didn't say or did anything so he kept quiet the whole time as he also looked her over a bit for any changes on her condition as she slowly calmed down from all of this and then looked towards Donatello who was surprised at the sight of her eyes no longer looking empty, he wondered if there was something going on in her mind for her to be like this... But now wasn't important and instead she had to get some sleep, so he slowly carried her back to the couch and he laid there with her on top of him which made her what he saw was her calming down.

When he saw she was asleep, he kept still so she wouldn't wake up or anything so he went to sleep, it ended with him going to sleep since of course it was late in the night and he needed to get some sleep too, when he began to smell something cooking... He opened his eyes to Jasmine still sleeping on top of him but his brother's were both in the kitchen making him look at them as they made breakfast while faintly talking together about Jas and what might be needed to do so they can help her get back to normal making him smile to them as he then watched Jas as she slept soundly.

"She doing alright?" Leo asked making Donnie nod "Yeah, I don't mind laying here for a bit longer until she wakes up" he replied making Leo smile and nod before Raph walked over with breakfast making Donnie silently spoke a thank you, they ate quietly before Leo left to get some work done right now so that he could then stay longer while Raph had a few quick calls to make while looking things over on a computer that Donnie allowed him to borrow... Then Jas began to wake up making Donnie watch for when her eyes open as he want's to know if her eyes are like last night or back to how they were before.

To his surprise they stayed like last night making Donnie slowly touch her face "Want to eat?" he asked making her slowly nod as he helped her sit on the couch with him so she could then eat, Raph watched her eat as Donnie got her warm and comfy on the couch while watching her body language for any signs of discomfort making him wonder what happened to her even more then before now... He just hoped they could help her get better from what she suffered as he turned back to his work as she ate her meal, Donnie did need to get back to his lab... But he hated the fact that his sister whimpered the moment he began to leave for his lab "You get your work done, i'll watch her" Raph said making Donnie nod and thank his brother before retreating to his lab.

There was silence in the room for a moment, Raph didn't really know what to say to his sister... He knew she would need something to do as he then took the laptop and moved to sit next to her, he thought it might give her some comfort... But then her eyes looked once again empty, could it be that Donnie was making her feel again? He would need to tell his brother about this later on when he was done with his work... For now he would simply sit next to her and wait for Leo and Donnie to come back, Jas didn't say anything from then on, which was okay since she was still getting used to being back in the city she knew and love so long ago... But then again he really wanted to ask her what happened.

It was then that the phone rang... And Jas began to panic making Raph worry about her as he tried to hold her close to him in hopes it would help calm her down even just a little bit, sadly he didn't know if it was helping her or not... And then Leo came in and saw the situation and moved to help as best he could by trying to make her look at him and to make her relax by breathing... But it wasn't helping as much as they had hoped making them worry as Leo went to get Donnie for help... Donnie was talking on the phone with Saki when Leo came in, he kept quiet as he didn't want Saki to know about Jas just yet and decided to wait until Donnie hangs up before telling him everything.

When his brother hung up "Jas is panicking!" he said simply and then the two ran back up to find Jas freaking out and Raph trying his best to calm her down for even just a little bit, but when she saw Donnie they were surprised to see the empty eyes now showing an emotion... Donnie really was the only one to make her feel and have her eyes showing those emotions, Donnie got closer to her and then held her in his arms as she once again began to cry... It really worried them as they hoped to figure out what the heck was going on as they also needed to report to master Saki there findings of the sewers.

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