It all started with secrets...

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"I was forgetting things, sometimes I would try to think back to when this all happened but then... My memories would go blank for a part of it, I just wanted to know why this was happening in the first place" she began to explain to them, it was hard on her to even think back "When we left the city, father said that we had to move pass this and that we had to care for the ones who were still with us... I thought everything would be fine and I believed him" she continued as Raph brought over some warm drinks for each of them.

"Sometimes I would wonder why all of this happened in the first place, why our friends just left one after the other as it made no sense... I tried to think about it, to figure out what happened to make them leave but... I couldn't remember when they left or anything of the situation, like my memories were erased of it happening in the first place... And then I tried to remember but father would let me" she said making Leo curse under his breath while Raph swore quietly, this was just horrible to them... The fact that there sister had gone through all of this and yet sadly they knew she had more to tell them right now and that it would be worse.

"At one point as I was trying to remember I realized that every time something vanished from my memories the last thing I would do is go talk to father" she said making them now know when Splinter would use the brain worms on her "So I went to talk to him... But he was talking to Mikey when I arrived... About me" she added making them look at her confused "They were talking about how I was trying to remember and Splinter spoke about using a brain worm when that happens... I fled right before he could give me another one" she finished as they knew what happened next to that little story of her's and she didn't need to tell them.

But at least now they knew what had happened to her... But not why she can't she her emotions to anyone unless Donnie is around her, it simply made no sense to them but for now they would need to give her some time and hope for the best to happen so she can get better from any of this right now... But they did worry about anything that might have happened and if she will be able to remember anything once she recovers... As she didn't seem to remember anything at all "Do you remember?" Leo asked but she sadly shakes her head "Something is blocking me to remember" she explained which brought them to a dead end.

"Maybe some time and some air will help?" Raph suggested making them all nod, Donnie of course didn't want to worry about Jas getting lost so he made the demand to make a quick stop to the lab so he could get he a phone he made in case she would come back making him explain to her the upgrades on the way to Central Park before she left with Leo and Raph on that walk, Donnie didn't really know what to do for now with him being alone for a bit until they call him to pick them up... So he went to get a few things from his lab that he needed for some work he had at home to finish before needing to show them to master Shredder by the end of the week.

"Maybe I should go to the store and buy something Jas loves?" he asked to himself once back in the car from getting what he needed from his lab, he really wanted to try and get his sister back... But it will be hard with the fact she can't remember what she forgot all this time with Splinter, he does hope however for something better to happen for them so that they may return to what they once were before everything went to hell because of Splinter... The one they once called there father.

He drove a bit around the city, he didn't really need to head back right now as he wasn't all that in a rush to get back to work... Also it was because he was faster with his work now so he could finish his work in a few hours and would then be able to relax and rest until he had to show them, he sighed at that moment while passing by the very pizza place they had always ordered from for so long... He still remembered the time Jas had gotten sick while on a patrol without anyone not even her knowing and was sadly poisoned making it worse to know what to do to help.

To there luck the antidote still worked for the poison... But she was still sick and needed to be cared for, when she was sleeping from the antidote the three brother's worked hard to make sure Jas rested enough and didn't need to move around much but Mikey for some reason decided to no longer help them which confused them since was worried about Jas when she was poisoned in the first place... So why wasn't he trying to help them? Of course he never told them the truth as instead he claimed that nothing was wrong and that they were asking weird questions for some reason making him then walk away.

He really hated that time as he then drove back home, he checked his phone and saw a text from Leo saying they were to be out for a bit longer making him smile and simply wait for them to contact him to get them back home, he slowly worked on getting everything inside at least the house before getting what he got Jas into the kitchen... Then he collected his things down to the lab and then dropped them at the sight of Baxter Stockman and master Shredder there looking at his research on Jas having a bunch of brain worms in her head "Oh Donatello... What have you done?" Shredder asked as Donnie worried he was now going to be in big trouble for keeping all of this from him.

The life we had is gone to darknessWhere stories live. Discover now