North Yankton

396 3 11

N: North Yankton, 9 years ago.

Michael T: Alright, everybody pays attention, no one gets hurt.

Maddie T: Yeah, I don't wanna hurt anyone, unless I have to.

Trevor: Aarrgh! Open the door, or they'll get worse than hurt! Hey, hey, ah! Come on!

Security Guard: Just don't do any...

Maddie and Trevor: Ah! Let's go! Shut up! Shut the fudge up!

Michael: Hands behind your back.

Security Guard: C'mon mister, we're giving you everything you want.

Michael: Don't even think about it.

Female Employee: I'll do it. I'll do it...oh goodness.

Maddie: Don't do anything yet. Let Trevor do his thing.

Trevor: Sit tight. I'll handle the plastic.

Michael: Don't blow yourself up! Listen up!

Maddie: Let's go! You know the drill!

Trevor: In the back! Come on!

Male Employee: What's he doing? He's going to kill us in here.

Trevor: Hurry!

Male Employee: Leave us alone.

2nd Male Employee: We didn't do anything to you.

Maddie: Everyone's in the back.

Trevor: All set. Phone it in.

Michael: I'm making the call.

Maddie: Yes, sweet money here we come!

Brad: Alright, we going to do this, huh?

Trevor: Haha! Show me the money!

Michael: Slow and steady, T. Slow and steady.

Maddie: This is the most money I've ever seen in my life!

Trevor: There's enough for us all to enjoy!

Michael: Depends on how you look at it.

Trevor: What's the hold up? Coming out, B and MT.

2nd Security Guard: Give it up! I got him! I saw your face. I'll remember you.

Michael: You forget a thousand things everyday. How 'bout you make sure this is one of 'em?

Maddie: M! T, please do something!

2nd Security Guard: I see it in his eyes. He's crazy.

Michael: Fudge! You didn't have to do that!

Maddie: It's time to go, bro.

Trevor: Let's get going! There'll be time for grieving later.

Michael: Yeah, you got that right.

Trevor: Come on!

Maddie: I'm ready, M! Put the charges on the door.

Michael: I'm setting the charges. They're on a timer, so brace yourselves!

Trevor and Maddie: Fan-fuding-tasic!

Michael: Oh fudge. You hear that? Sirens. Fudge the cops! T, hit the shutter switch.

Maddie: Fight back guys! Survive!

Trevor: What's this local resistance?

Michael: It ain't supposed to go down like this!

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