Nervous Ron

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(Trevor Philips and Maddie Townley walks toward their trailer)

Ron Jakowski: Come quick, bosses! They were here for you 2. Here... For you 2.

Trevor Philips and Maddie Townley: Who was here?

(Trevor, Ron, and Maddie walk inside Trevor and Maddie's trailer)

Ron Jakowski: Them bikers. After you  killed Johnny K?

Trevor Philips and Maddie Townley: And they damaged our stuff, huh? They smash up our home. Damage our souls. Look at this... this... this, this, this, this statue here of Impotent Rage. This fucking meant more to us than Johnny K meant to anyone. And they smashed it. Those pathetic, midlife crisis, hog-riding, shaven-headed, fruity leather-chap-wearing fucking assholes!

Ron Jakowski: They're assholes, Trevor and Maddie. They are, they're chap-wearing assholes!

(Wade Hebert walks in to Trevor and Maddie's trailer but tries to leave to avoid Trevor and Maddie)

Trevor Philips and Maddie Townley: Wade, Wade, Wade, you little shit. Whoa, whoa, whoa, hey. Michael fucking Townley, right? Bitch wife. Two kids. Forty five. Find him?

Wade Hebert: Los Santos is a big, big place, Trevor and Maddie. There's lots of people.

Trevor Philips and Maddie Townley: You are fucking useless! Huh? Find out who did that fucking robbery, alright? And if Michael Townley lives there, or anyone matching his description, or we're going to kill you and your fucking cousin! Are we being clear now?

Wade Hebert: Yes. Trevor and Maddie.

Trevor Philips: Thank you, Wade. Now, smile.

(Wade begins to smile)

Trevor Philips: Yeah... Alright, that's better. Run along...

Maddie Townley: Bye Wade!

Wade Hebert: Okay.

Trevor Philips and Maddie Townley: Now, Ron. Shall we go? We cannot believe that they fucking destroyed our statue of Impotent Rage. The cheek! Huh? The fucking cheek of it.

(Trevor, Ron, and Maddie walk towards 3 Blazers parked outside Trevor and Maddie's trailer)

Trevor Philips: I gotta make a stop at Ammu-Nation. You 2 are meeting me at The Lost MC's airfield.

(Trevor drives towards Ammu-Nation)

Ron Jakowski: Come in. Come in.

Trevor Philips: I'll come in your ear when I get a hold of you.

Maddie Townley: I'd like you to come in me.

Ron Jakowski: Ahh... what're you buying at the gun shop?

Trevor Philips: I'm not buying anything. I need a sniper rifle with a high power scope. Also later, Maddie.

(Trevor enters Ammu-Nation)

Trevor Philips: Melvin, how you feel about brand synergy, huh? TP Industries. Ammu-Nation. Good, 'cause you're about to make a corporate gift of a rifle, a high powered scope and a suppressor. That sniper on your wall looks like it will do the job.

(Trevor 'buys' the sniper rifle)

Trevor Philips: She'll do nicely. You got a scope with a suppressor for this?

(Trevor buys the scope and suppressor)

Trevor Philips: They won't here my coming. Okay.

Trevor Philips: Now stop selling weapons to the halfwit Cletus./Get that look off your face. I know you sold Cletus his gun and he ain't got three brain cells.

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