Part 1

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Monday January 14th. 2:11 am:

The School was dark when I pulled up. I looked all around me and I could see into the neighboring homes which means they could definitely see me.

It's 2am, nobody is awake.

After hesitating for a moment, I decided to get on with my task. I couldn't risk failing, my family needed the money. I parked my car in the back of the teacher parking lot and manually locked the doors so I wouldn't make a sound.

Briskly, I made my way towards the east entrance and pulled the door open. The door isn't normally unlocked but earlier today during school hours, I stuck a magnetic stripe of tape over the door lock hole so it would trick the office sensors into believing that all of the doors were secure and sound. It always works.

I used this method last year to break into the music room and practice my violin. I could have practiced at home but the music room had such good sound absorbent that I couldn't pass it up.

I entered swiftly and shut the door behind me, I knew that the people who lived around the school would be able to see the door open if I had left it open and they would have called the police immediately since school break-ins have been so prevalent in the past years.

Once inside the second set of doors, I began towards the school drama scene shop shuffling close to walls as possible. I knew that if I walked down the middle of the hallways the sensors would be able to pick me up which would ruin everything. I was almost to the scene shop when I first heard the whistling.

I immediately assumed it was somebody apart of the janitorial staff and I ducked into the nearest classroom to avoid them. Once inside I looked around the classroom. It was a science lab. Everything was covered with thick white and grey sheets. I was frozen in my spot looking at all the different shapes until I could hear the jangling of keys. The Janitor hadn't figured out that the door was unlocked and as soon as they did I would be toast.

I panicked. There was nowhere to hide.


End of Part 1!!

I hope you liked it! It gets even better in the next few parts!

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