Part 4

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Dodging set pieces, I made my way to the Scene Shop door and slammed it shut behind me.

I didn't care about the sensors or neighbors I just ran.

I was so close.

The doors I entered from where in arms reach. I pushed with everything I had but they wouldn't budge.

I looked through the windows outside to see what was blocking the door from opening and I could make out a few cinder blocks.

Who did this?
Who knew that I had used these doors.
Who was following me?

I could feel the blood fade from my face.

My heart was hammering against my ribcage and my lungs were on fire. I could feel my hands and legs shaking under me as I tried yet again to push the door open.

Through my panic I could hear the whistle again.

This time it was right behind me.

I screamed and started banging on the doors praying  for someone to hear me, for someone to help me.

All of a sudden two hands reached around my neck and clamped tightly. I started to sputter and cough.

I couldn't breathe.

The things spun me around and held me up high. Through my watery eyes I could see the thing choking me.

Although it wasn't a thing, it was a person.

Or WAS a person.

It was an old lady. Short and bulky wearing a pitch black dress.

The only thing that clued me in on the oddity of this woman was the fact that she had no eyes or feet.

In the space where her eyes should have been, was a black pit. Nothing that resembled an eye.  Only darkness.

And where her feet should have been stood nothing but a faint red glow. She was floating.

She was a ghost.

I opened my mouth to bargain with her, but i couldn't make out any words. Her grip on my neck had relaxed slightly but I still couldn't breathe.

The last thing I could see before I passed out was the lady's face. Her dark scowl had become a slight smirk.

" You've been a bad, bad girl Evan "

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