Part 2

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Impulse thought, I threw open one of the cabinet doors and climbed inside.

I curled my legs up to my chest and rested my head on my knees. I couldn't see a thing but I could feel something cool and long pressing into my back. Just as I shut the cabinet doors, I could hear the door open and footsteps make a slow circle around the room.

I began to focus on the footsteps pattern.

Step. Step. Step. Silence.

I couldn't tell where the footsteps stopped and I was too scared to open the door and find out so I just sat there as my anxiety grew more and more until I was about to give.

Right as I reached for the cabinet door, the footsteps started again and went steady. I froze and stayed frozen until I could hear the faint sound of footsteps and whistling retreat down the hallway.

I slowly climbed out of the cabinet and exited the room. I once again began my trek towards the Drama Scene Shop.

I didn't once contemplate why there was a janitor at the school at 2am, the idea didn't even cross my mind.

Once I made it to the scene shop door, I let out a big breathe I hadn't even noticed I had been holding. I reached in my pocket and fingered around until I found the thing I was looking for.

Pulling it out of my pocket, I put the bumpy metal key in the lock and turned it twice to the right and once to the left.

I had learned the trick from the Drama Class President Devin East while at a party.

Some people are mad drunks and others are really happy drunks.

Devin is a snitch drunk.

He was telling everyone everything he knew about everything and everyone.

" Evan! " He had slurred grabbing my shoulder as I tried to slip past him.

" Hey Devin " I had mumbled removing his arm from my shoulder and placing it at his side. Devin had a habit of invading people's personal space and I for one wouldn't put up with it.

" Want to know a secret? I promise it's really cool! "

" Sure " I had replied my attention snatched. Devin's father was a famous politician and it was rumored that their family had a huge safe in their basement.

I needed money and the combination to that safe would relieve my family's money problem for a long long time.

" To open the Drama Scene Shop door all you have to do is use any metal key and twist it twice to the right and once to the left. It will pop right open! "

I was very disappointed in his answer but I acted interested nonetheless.

" Oh Devin that's so cool " I mumbled walking away. Little did I know how useful that information will be in the future.


In part 3, things get a little... creepy!

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