Part 1

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It's been 2 years, 11 months, and 15 days since my older sister Ava was killed.

I still remember the pungent smell of coffee and baby food lingering in the air on the last day of her life.

"That's stupid," she had screamed standing up and pushing over her brown dining room chair.

" I have so much going on here, I can't just leave."

Mom and Dad had decided to spring the big news on her during dinner and it hadn't gone over well.

I looked up at my sisters bright red face. Large tears fell from her enraged hazel eyes. I'd always wanted Ava's eyes, old people at the mall used to come up to her and pinch her cheeks and comment on how pretty her eyes were.

They'd never done that to me.

I guess brown eyes just aren't as pretty.

"Ava Marie, It's just a recovery home, it will help you. We just want to help you." Mom insisted, trying to defend herself.

Mom had always been the quiet parent while dad had been the confrontational one.

"It's called Sal's Recovery. It's in New Mexico so we can drive down almost every weekend to see you! I've heard great things about them! Sally Benton, the one who lives on the corner, went there and she came back completely sober. Please Ava, we just want you to try."

"No mother, I don't need to try," Ava screamed once again pounding her fists on the mahogany table.

" I am sober."

At this point my little brother Bentley Finn had started whimpering.

"Damnit, Ava Marie, look at yourself. You're drunk right now. You need help!" My father had bellowed slamming his hand down on the table.

Everyone went silent. My father was furious. You could almost see the steam coming out of his ears.

" You do not have a choice in this! You're mother and I have already decided and payed. You're leaving Friday morning and that is final. Now, sit down right now."

Ava looked at mom with pleading eyes as if saying: Please mom, don't do this. Mom's gaze fell from Ava's face.

She was doing her best not to give in.

Screaming out in anger, Ava smacked her plate of ice cream off the table and onto the brown carpet creating yet another stain. Some of the chocolate ice cream splattered on our white walls and worn yellowed baseboards.

" Maybe if you didn't abuse your wife, I wouldn't have started drinking." Ava screamed, challenging our father.

At this, he lost it.


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